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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. When I had some skin growths removed from Marla, they did not give her any sedative, but did give her locals before shaving and lasering off the growths and then stapling the incisions closed. She trembled due to nervousness (she had started trembling before they even touched her.), but I don't think it hurt after the local shots. She was a trooper.
  2. Oh no! I'm so terribly sorry for your loss!
  3. I'm holding out until both Tip and Dazzle's packages have arrived. Tip's arrived yesterday, so the torturous wait begins.
  4. Oh no worries, I'm already well-known as the neighborhood crazy dog-lady. No kidding! Tucker would've made short work of it! Thank you! Tipper is a very patient boy, and will continue to be on his best behavior until Dazzle's prezzie arrives.
  5. Dear Santa. I was very excited to see that a package was set upon our doorstep today, and eagerly awaited momma's arrival home to find out if it was for me... It was not. It was a package addressed to our neighbors, and momma said we have to give it back to them. Oh well, it didn't smell like doggie goodies anyway. <sigh> The good news is, a few hours later when our neighbors came home, they immediately came over to deliver another package, which had mistakenly been delivered to them. And this one had MY NAME on it! : This package is clearly meant for a doggy, more importantly, it is meant for this doggy, and it has very enticing-sounding rattley noises happening inside (I hope it's supposed to sound like that : ). Good thing our neighbors don't have doggies, or I might never have gotten my package. So Santa, my question is, since momma said I should wait for Dazzle's Santa-gift to arrive before I open mine, is there anything in this yummy box that should not wait? Thank you thank you thank you in advance for what must be wonderful things inside this giftie momma won't let me open yet. Sincerely, and in all seriousness, Tipper
  6. He looks like he's putting on some good weight too. Definitely on the right path! What an amazing thing you've done for this poor sweet boy!
  7. Beautiful precious baby girl. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  8. Not selfish at all, just very sadly normal. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  9. Fresssssh meeeeeeat! Welcome Dan. Your boy's eyes are pure gold! Hope to see more pics soon...
  10. That might exceed the $20 suggested limit, once you add shipping...
  11. ZoomDoggy


    My sincerest condolences. I'm so very sorry for your loss of beautiful sweet William.
  12. Has he had an abdominal ultrasound to look for tumors or other abnormalities?
  13. Inflammatory Bowel Disease or cancer of the bowels, perhaps. He'd need scoping and biopsy if it's not too late already.
  14. Tipper received another card from his very thoughtful Santa today. He's not sure what Provence means either, but is hoping it's a culinary reference to the pictured monopod rooster... : (Tip's owner, on the other hand, would be delighted if the rooster image is not a foreshadowing of a live crowing gift in Tipper's near future ) Tipper and Dazzle are both very grateful for the charming card, however Tipper wants to clarify one detail for Santa, for the record... Although Tipper has been a very very good boy almost the entire year, he's really concerned that his goodness may not carry the weight of both himself and his new sister Dazzle in Santa's eyes. There was that incident with the rabbit in the yard last winter, after all, not to mention the dirt and mulch-eating binges... Tipper wants to assure Santa that though he will certainly continue to be as good as he possibly can (despite Dazzle's attempts to walk on his head) Dazzle does in fact have her own Secret Santa to behave for. All of that said, Tipper promises to do his best at sharing, if need be, because that's the kind of sweet boy he is. Thanks Tipper's Santa, for thinking of us all.
  15. What a gorgeous and well-loved boy. I'm sorry he had to go so soon.
  16. Dazzle is a smart little pixie all right, but she hasn't quite figured out that she is supposed to CHEW the chewie, rather than lickylickylicky it. The close-up:
  17. I've been buying it online without prescription for years also (I've never bought any prescriptions online). I've never seen it in a store though, only in vet offices.
  18. Wishing you all strength in these tough times.
  19. Dazzle is pleased at the abundance of toys in this strange new house. Who can resist a pink lambie?
  20. Tipper and I wish to thank our sweet and thoughtful Santa for the welcome card for Dazzle. What a charming surprise to find that Tipper had mail when I came home! Thank you for the smile, Santa.
  21. I use Cosequin for Tipper, and have used it on my three senior girls to great benefit. I buy online from http://www.kvvet.com Might be cheaper elsewhere, haven't shopped around much.
  22. Day five, and Dazzling is doing very very well. She is responding very well to the cat-training so far. I know it will be a long haul, but I am encouraged by her behavior thus far. She is starting to show initiative on learning the stairs too. She actually climbs the five steps to the back door, rather than vaulting clear over them. The indoor steps are still very steep and a bit nerve-wracking, but I can tell she's starting to get the idea. Smart little pixie.
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