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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I'd get a second opinion. Some dogs may be prone to pancretitis, but monitoring regular diet should control it. I've not had one of mine that continued on a special diet except for lower fat. The protocol for shots according to the AMVA is every 3 years and if I had a dog that had a reaction, I wouldn't be giving them except for rabies which is required by law.
  2. Generic doxy is around $22 at Costco per 100. Is it methocarbanol (muscle relaxant)? -- inexpensive at WalMart
  3. I feel like I know so little.....it's constant learning. Thank goodness there are a lot of greyhound people to learn from
  4. More likely thousands than hundreds What you find here is breed specific information, as well as diseases and disorders affecting greyhounds due to moving around (i.e., yes, greys in Canada can have a TBD), etc. and just that they are greyhounds. Other breeds have specific issues to their breed. When I was in Dobes, my vets readily admitted I knew more about Dobes than they did regarding medical issues specific to the breed. Back then (seems like a hundred years ago) I called around the country and talked with breeders when I had a problem I needed help with
  5. How long was he on it? Have them do a culture.
  6. Perhaps flushing him on a regular basis every few weeks or so. I've been doing that with Huston. Went about 4 weeks or so and just flushed him with the blue stuff.
  7. At her age I'd consult on surgery to see if it will rid the problem. My last tramadol purchase at WalMart cost $4
  8. Sending prayers. Isn't this what Bodie went through re the skin thing?
  9. Sending lots of prayers. I hope it's an easy answer like the trip was too hard for him. He's had a lot of changes.....
  10. Winslow had the laser therapy at the vet clinic where he went. When the tech or vet left, Glynis contacted the company and purchased the smaller version of the machine and was taught how to use it. It seems to work well on him Glynis is supposed to email me the contact information.
  11. I'd try anything but kibble and see how he does Sending prayers! I'd also give acidolphillus pills and yes, try the acupuncture vet!
  12. Regardless of breed, no running 1 hour before and 2 hours after! Hopefully reading the following won't confuse you more I feed raised. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...35&hl=bloat http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...14&hl=bloat http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...96&hl=bloat http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...d+bowls+feeders http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...d+bowls+feeders http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...d+bowls+feeders
  13. How fresh was the sample you took in? What meds do they want her on?
  14. Judy & Mike use Dr. Blackburn, so another vote for them!
  15. Judy should know (JillysKeg) I'll try & email her. Not sure I have her phone number.
  16. Wouldn't hurt to have a vet look at it and do a TBD panel.
  17. As many of you know, I met Winslow this past weekend! What a sweet boy He throws quite the party also! September 11, 2007 Hi Diane, Well, you and I are worn out from the weekend activities, but Mr. Party Animal here is rarin' to go. Late this morning, he was crying at the kitchen counter. He was fed, walked and had a brief snooze, everything he needed, right? EXCEPT the new toy that Becky and Sean brought to the party. Now mind you this is a water toy and I was saving it for swimming. So much for that! Ol' eagle eye knows when there's something new. He wanted that toy. Ok, no harm in that. I figured that he would see that it doesn't squeak, isn't fuzzy, and that would be the end of it. But no, not Winslow.. He threw it, chased it, chewed it, growled at it and finally bit it so hard that now it will sink when I put it in the pool. He loves this thing! Then, around noon, Ute stopped by with a bag of peaches. Since every bag, package and piece of mail has to be checked by Mr. BigNose, he immediately went for it. I took the peaches out and put a piece of Burpcake in and just handed him the bag. Oh, what fun!! There are video and stills of this mornings events. He had a good weekend, a good party, and now, a good nap. We hope this helps to entertain you today, or at least keep you awake at work. I'm off to clean up the mess. Glynis On Saturday Glynis and I went to a cute little town (Middleburg maybe?) and went into a thrift store that benefits a humane society. I saw Goofy and bought it for Winslow. He seemed to like it. Then this morning I received this--how can he get any cuter?: Goofy has been lurking around the bed for days, but this is a new configuration. I cracked up when I saw it. He usually doesn't keep them around this long, but I think he's in love or something. Glynis
  18. I wonder if she is having a reaction to the cream you used. Try washing with soap and water again and only run water on it for a day and see how it goes
  19. Try to email picture. You can run plain water over it for a few minutes. It is sounding like a vet should look at it.
  20. I guess anything is possible. Do you think they could work you in if you show up a little early?
  21. Dogs don't get poison ivey. Wash the scratch with soap and water and you can put an antibiotic cream on it. How bad is it? Just a scratch?
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