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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Have you done a tick panel on him? I think you should add the niacinimide at least.
  2. I wouldn't worry about it since the vet isn't. They usually worry before me
  3. He sounds bad enough to be on pred for awhile. He has SLO Dr. Stack's Article on SLO http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...1879&hl=SLO http://www.grassmere-animal-hospital.com/SLO.htm
  4. Why not go to Kansas State for a consult if they have experience with greys? They might have seen this before. Sending prayers.
  5. Crying with you. She put up a valiant fight for a long time and you gave her that opportunity to be loved and to have the desire to fight! Although she is moved on, it's been a win/win for you all!
  6. Here's hoping and praying he rebounds quickly! I know Winslow's diet changed during/after chemo. He could no longer eat kibble--it gave him the trots. I wish you could see how good he looks eating canned food! I hope you can get some sleep
  7. December 5, 2007 Hi Diane, As I was driving 85 miles in a snowstorm with the window down this morning, I had to keep thinking just to keep from freezing. I joke about Winslow's heat issues, but I wonder how many people are giving pain meds to dogs who have developed something like this? I figured out what was going on last winter when Winslow wanted to be outside in the cold, but was panting whenever he was inside. When I started treating him like he was hot and NOT LIKE HE WAS IN PAIN, it worked. I have had him tested for all kinds of stuff and all was negative. I have asked Dr. Couto as well as my regular vet and oncologist. Nothing. We gave up and accepted it as part of the "new normal". Please tell anyone who has mysteriously panting dogs to offer them something cold before pain pills. Feel their feet and inside their ears. It would be really sad to medicate a dog or send one to the bridge because their people mistakenly thought they were in some kind of terrible pain! Winslow had cancer. This panting could have easily been misdiagnosed as pain. Fortunately he was very articulate about seeking cold and I knew a person who had chemo and said since then she's always been really HOT. Winslow doesn't run a fever. He just gets hot, like summer. Now, here's what happened at the pool. It was snowing. The pool was heated. Winslow insisted on taking a pee break outside as usual. He got out there in his life jacket, soaking wet and ROLLED IN THE SNOW. He stood up, shook, and did a huge happy dance. He was jumping around and dancing and falling down and getting up. Finally we went back inside and he swam a few more laps and then was ready to go home. His ears were warm and he HATED that heated water. I gave him longer breaks between laps and reduced the laps to 7. He wants to go into the water, but doesn't like it once he's there. It takes so long to heat it, Roger can't turn it off for him. I gave him a cooler shower and brought him home. Closed windows in the car, but no heat. Winslow was not cold. I was. I'm going to keep spacing his laps and taking him outside for a "chill" between. He seems to really need that if he continues swimming in the warm water. I want him to have his exercise and he obviously needs it. It seems to be the only way. He went out after he was totally dry and had a good romp in the snow. No jacket. When we came in, of course, a bowl of ice. It's 65 degrees in my house and Winslow is licking ice, in front of the fan. He's happy and will likely fall asleep for the rest of the day. If I turn off that fan, he will get up and start panting and whining in front of the fan. Winslow's thermostat is broken. Nobody knows why and they don't know how to fix it. In the big picture, it's a small price to pay for his overall health, but I seriously doubt he's the only one with this problem. Glynis
  8. Personally, I'd stop the drops until you can speak with the vet. Sending prayers!
  9. How many Fresh Factors a day? If you add 1000mg of MSM, it'll really help. I have bought it at Whole Foods, Bluebonnet makes a capsule form (and yes, the brand does matter)
  10. December 4, 2007 Hi Diane, Thanks for the card! I was web surfing with Winslow yesterday. We usually read some stories on GT and I allow him to watch a few youtube videos. Not too many videos. They're a special treat. We were very happy to know that Tootsie and Huston are doing well. Winslow sends them both big butt sniffs. They probably won't want to reciprocate. Whew! I don't know if it's the canned food or the eggs, but now that our windows are closed it's pretty bad here. Some nights I wake up and I would swear my eyes are on fire. Winslow has always been rather stinky during the night and I'm not sure it's any worse than usual, or just seems it. I'm going to check into the prozyme. He's getting so many supplements now that I hate to add another, but it may be a matter of survival for Craig and me. He gets daily yogurt, always has. Doesn't do it. Any suggestions? I can't change his food and he insists on the daily egg. It's a ritual. I've already thought of gas masks but they would be uncomfortable to sleep in. Winslow has a new job. Last week we hung the bird feeders on the deck. Today, the squirrels found them and were trying to break in. Winslow went out there and chased them away. Then he went for his outside nap as usual, but he kept a watchful eye on those bird feeders. Oddly, the birds aren't afraid of Winslow if he's out there asleep. He likes to watch them and now he protects them from those evil squirrls. When he came back inside, he spent some time watching for the little monsters from inside the house. Winslow needs things to engage his mind. I try to keep him busy. This is going to be another good project for him during the winter. He's not at all interested in the birds but he knows the squirrels aren't supposed to do that. I put peanuts out downstairs for the squirrels, but Winslow can handle those rogues that want the birdseed. We do try to take care of the wild critters around here but it's Winslow territory and he'll have to monitor the behavior. I found a 35lb. bucket of Safe Paws Ice melter...( I know you don't have a lot of weather in Texas, but you are in touch with people who do) 49.95 and 8.95 for shipping. I found it through Amazon.com! It's a good savings since our Petsmart gets about 17.00 for 8 lbs of it. I use a lot of it on all those stairs. It's non toxic to Winslow and works well. I have always tried to keep him away from the chemically treated roads. Since he won't wear any kind of boots I really have to be careful about his feet. We put mushers wax on them before he goes out to protect his pads and I clean them with baby wipes when he comes in. We managed to keep his feet in good shape last year and I'm hoping for the same results this winter. It's always a struggle, but we don't want to live in the basement again! We are happy to say that things here are uneventful. That's always good. Winslow had his swim last week and he is less than thrilled with the heated water (65 degrees). He doesn't like that or the steam that comes up because the building is not heated. He was a little reluctant, but swam anyway. I hope he gets used to it. He really loves his swim. Tomorrow, we go again. Winslow noticed that Indi was gone. I explained it all to him. He really tried to comfort Roger, who is devastated. Good news: He did 13 double laps and his weight is a perfect 78 lbs. Today Winslow is working on his holiday greeting cards. He usually does them every year. We missed it last year because he was really sick. The holidays were cancelled completely for us. This year, we celebrate. Attached are his Hannukah cards. The first in his holiday series. (Maybe some of your pack is Jewish and didn't tell you?). Glynis to which I should reply: cut the yogurt, add acidollphilus and install an exhaust fan I'm sure at least Mizzy is Jewish. Maybe they all are.....
  11. She really needs to see a vet. If you knew for sure what it was/is, then you can suggest options for treatment.
  12. Good. Did they do blood work before starting the rimadyl? You need to make sure his platelets are in good shape for surgery!
  13. It works. You can do both adequan and acupuncture. Is he on supplements? Joint Health and/or Fresh Factors will help a lot. www.springtimeinc.com
  14. Hopefully you got some heavy duty pain meds or really increased the tramadol. I understand not wanting to rush into anything, but you really need to make a decision quickly. Try calling OSU and see if someone is available to talk now. They are an hour ahead. Has a specialist read the xrays? If not, get them there right away so they can be read locally.
  15. All of my SS recipients will receive a flat rate box. If I need to alter some of the contents, I will include super glue..... I think I shopped too much.....
  16. At 12 1/2 she is really stressed being rehomed. If the shivering and panting subsides while the situation is the same, I am thinking it's stress rather than pain, especially since she was checked out by the vet. See if it (the panting and shivering) subsides as the days go by. When is her dental scheduled? Have you tried a dog coat or vest? Some are freeze babies. Even a t shirt might help if she likes it. Might give her a calming effect to have something on.
  17. She ran again last night! And she did a few little spins without falling over in the grass!
  18. Greyhounds do have a higher incident of cancer than other breeds from what I understand. Percentage wise, it's probably still low compared with other diseases, etc. My personal belief is that cancer rears it's ugly head more often in greys due to over vaccinating and TBDs
  19. I don't think you had bitter almonds They should have been ok.
  20. Also--if you have a p.o. box, check it If you get a slip about a package--get to the post office
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