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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so very sorry. everyone fought so hard for this boy
  2. sounds like things are going well! for an easy and completely uneventful recovery!
  3. I hope this is very temporary, and his appetite bounces back quickly. I guess there is no way to avoid the side effects
  4. great news! I second the acupuncture recommendation, it made a world of difference for Sugar's back end problems.
  5. glad to hear he is still doing ok. he looks ssoooo cute in his holiday, er, decorations
  6. Beau, your Momma needs a break! Let's just let this one be a food change, ok?
  7. I mixed Sugar's in her food, she didn't mind the taste.
  8. That's encouraging news! I hope Monty tolerates the chemo well and has a good long time left with you!
  9. That's great news! I hope by this time next week, she will be home
  10. my guess (not a vet nor do I play one on TV ) based on experience with a crf cat, is the kidney issues are upsetting his tummy. I'd ask about taking Pepcid every day, and maybe a snack last thing at night and/or first thing in the morning. Also, can he take Pill Pockets? Does he like them? What Mary (greyhead) said about the "new" thinking on protein is right on, too. for Alan
  11. Sugar 12/1995-7/2008 We never knew your racing name, but Sugar fit you just fine, you were the sweetest dog that ever lived
  12. Remolacha


    I am so sorry, Abbey was a beautiful queen
  13. I am glad that Monty is on enough pain meds to be comfortable! Things should start to get better now
  14. I love hearing a good report on Polli! I hope she doesn't need any more treatment for her back, but even if she does, it will all be good! I know she can't have acupuncture, but what about a chiropractor? Might that help? Sugar would get a course of pred when her back end problems flared up, but she wasn't on it continuously. I really never noticed the side effects people mentioned, except the improved appetite I hope this round of chemo isn't too hard on her
  15. Molly just got her splint off for her broken toe, so she particularly sends many licks to Sadi! I hope the x-rays show she doesn't need any further treatment for Bart, his people must be so worried!
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