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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. isn't that a wonderful feeling when they start eating!
  2. Heather, I am so sorry! She was just such a beautiful old lady
  3. white dogs can get all kinds of (b9) skin boo-boos, as you know, this MUST be just that!
  4. I am glad to hear he is feeling better! Enjoy your week off with your baby (s)
  5. When Sugar went into acute renal failure, she quit eating. I mean, nothing passed those lips. I tried everything anyone on here suggested, but after a week, I realized she was ready and let her go. Her kidney numbers were also quite high and didn't come down even after all day sub-q's. Hope Dylan has something else!
  6. I remember when you adopted her, I am so sorry
  7. I've heard of other people who use Diatomatous Earth with success. How often do you reapply it?
  8. what a relief! and Ollie, have you considered going Primal? I understand lots of people have lost weight, and it's very species appropriate
  9. arthritis just arthritis nothing but arthritis!
  10. What a precious girl I am so sorry
  11. That is the way we should all go, quickly, without suffering, doing what we love. But it is always too soon for the ones left behind
  12. I muzzle Fletcher when we go for walks because he also goes nuts if we see other dogs, and since he can't get to them, he would try to take it out on the girls . It has helped, yesterday we saw other dogs three different times, and he only reacted once. Of course, he weighs about 80 lbs more than Tucker
  13. Fletcher has beautiful teeth, and he's raw fed, but when his breath got nasty (after I stopped blaming the fosters ) I had him checked and he had an abcess. He had his first dental in over 6 years, removed the bad tooth, and is now fine. If his teeth really are fine, check the rest of his digestive system.
  14. I am so sorry, I've lost too many kitties to CRF
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