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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I have to agree, unless it is a lot worse than it looks in that picture, I would probably put on some AB cream, or spray on it on day one, and leave it alone after that, although I'd keep an eye on it to make sure it was healing ok.
  2. Sounds like she is making great progress, except for the non-eating. That is so frustrating plus her age may be a factor old ladies often just don't have much appetite. Hope you can get an appetite stimulant!
  3. Yeah, but I don't like Fry's I've had issues with the pharmacy at the Walgreen's, but I think it is the closest place to me. No Publix in Phoenix
  4. Who, besides WallyWorld and Costco have a discount prescription program?
  5. That is an awesome update! Way to go Bella (and I think the towel was a brilliant idea!)
  6. NeylasMom, don't apologize, tangents are always informative However, you got my situation exactly right! Perhaps I should have added, I would be doing the training either in my fenced in yard, with the other dogs in the house, or training in the house, with the other dogs in the yard, not on the street or in a park. Fletcher flunked out of racing school because he "lacked focus", and trying to train him on "look at me" while walking has been a complete failure, so I want to start over in an environment with as few distractions as possible! The girls just need some work on down and wait. I do appreciate everyone's ideas, even if they don't really apply to my situation right now
  7. So happy to hear Bella has made some improvement! Sounds like she is on the right track, just needs to start eating. Come on Bella
  8. Yeah, in addition to trying to train an ADHD dog, I am not a very confident trainer, so I think I need to focus, with as few distractions as possible, in the beginning Thanks for everyones suggestions!
  9. Hoping Althea's heart isn't too bad. Sugar had multiple heart problems, and meds kept her comfortable. I lost her at 12 1/2 to kidney failure. Her heart function had actually improved enough to reduce her lasix, I think because her acupuncture vet was giving her a few "heart points" along with the acupuncture for her arthritis.
  10. I am glad he is home! I hope his healing goes without anymore problems
  11. I am glad to hear she is doing a little better. I think you are right, at her age it may take her longer to recover. I wondered if a harness like they have for cars, or one for boats, that have a larger chest piece, might help? http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4092374 http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3046157 http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2753794
  12. I hate them too! Molly has torn hers three times in two years I am just grateful that Fletcher the klutz had his removed as a puppy! I don't know about taking them when they are older, don't know how much it would hurt.
  13. I hope it is "just" vestibular syndrome, and Bella makes a quick and easy recovery!
  14. I am sorry for your brother's loss, but 15 is an amazing age for a St Bernard! I know that doesn't make the loss any easier, though
  15. I remember Betty Joan! (oh, and you, too ) I am sorry you have had a rough time recently. I agree, it sounds very much like vestibular syndrome. Fortunately, most dogs make a 90%-100% recovery.
  16. I am sorry he is in pain, but relieved to hear it is "just" a corn
  17. OK, so we'll see how this goes. Trainee outside with me, other two in the house (peering out the window, no doubt!). Once I have a reliable "stay", move on to the next dog, same scenario. Once all three are trained to reliabley stay, I could go on to more training, but the summer will be over by then
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