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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Well I'd like to update this post with some good news:


    Sidney went back for a 3 week blood cell count to check on the progress of his treatment...


    The doc was blown away! His count was down to 13,000 where it was over 100,000 just 3 weeks prior! This is almost remission after only 3 weeks!

    He goes back again in 6 weeks for another testing.


    In the meantime he seems to have an appetite again and to have more energy so he has definitely improved just with the naked eye.


    Go Sidney!

  2. Wanted to share another photo my husband took in February a few weeks ago of the 2... this captures them so well.

    June always looked like she did something wrong and was just caught. It also shows her big brown eyes.

    Sidney is our goofball with the big ears.



  3. We were gifted with memorial stones from Rock-It Creations. They are on FB at that name no hyphens. Their river stones are gorgeous and may be what you are looking for.


    You take care :grouphug

    Thank you so much! I'm not on FB but I found their website and that was exactly what I was looking for!

  4. Thank you all for the condolences... the house has not been the same without her these past few days.

    Her buddy Sidney is doing ok, but I know he misses his girlfriend.


    BTW- do any of you know of a place to get a memorial stone made? I really want to put one in one of our flower beds in the backyard where she loved to cut through before hitting the yard running.

  5. I am so sad to be making this post...

    Our June took a turn for the worst Thursday. By Friday morning we knew she was suffering and not her anymore and we made the call to say goodbye to her.


    Our sweet June was the happiest dog the moment we met her... she came out of the shelter and jumped up and licked me in the face. She had my heart right then and there. She captured everyone's love with her sweet face and those big, brown eyes. She just loved playing with stuffies, being a mooch at dinner time, doing zoomies in the yard, going for walks and her favorite past time was just being with her humans and her pack mate, Sidney.


    June was diagnosed with a brain tumor/mass on March 14th, 2018. She was given 1-6 months to live. She showed them all and almost made it a full year after her diagnosis.


    I will never forget her and her sweet face.

    Run free my sweet June... you aren't suffering anymore...















  6. Update:


    Oncologist called yesterday... he definitely has CLL (chronic lymphomic leukemia).

    This is good news as it’s the treatable one.


    Meds were ordered and will be delivered Monday directly from the pharmacy.

    He will get a higher dose for the first 2 weeks, then down to a lower dose for the remaining time he’s on them.


    Still crossing fingers this works.

    Thx everyone for the well wishes!

  7. Slight update:


    Turns out our June was positive for HOOK worm, not heart worm.

    Better, but still stinks.

    We also contacted the place we've been buying the Interceptor and sound like we will get a decent refund AND have some of the vet cost refunded to us from the company.


    We haven't gotten the results back about Sidney... still hoping for the best.

  8. Update:



    Has finished her first found of Heart Worm meds. She gets the next round in 2 weeks.


    As for Sidney:

    Met with the oncologist at HOPE. Initial diagnosis is he has CLL, Chronic Lukemia Lymphoma. This is actually good news as it's easy to treat and has a high success rate of remission.

    We will get the final diagnosis once his bloodwork comes back from them.


    Also, he has been on Hills Science Diet CD for a couple years now and it's always been a chore getting him to eat it. I'm sure it's bland and not tasty. It's been really hard getting him to eat the last month or so, so we finally decided to just give up on that food and get him something he will eat... because him eating something is better than him NOT eating prescription food. We bought Blue Buffalo Wild Senior formula and he's been scarfing it down like there is no tomorrow. I'm just super happy to see him eat AND he seems to have a lot more energy and enthusiasm. Poor thing probably just wanted a decent meal.


    So fingers crossed! Will update once we hear more...

  9. Praying for your babies! What brand of preventative were they on? I have heard that the heartworms have been developing a resistance to the preventatives now! Maybe someone here can provide more details. What sense is it to use the kind that no longer works? I believe I heard that ivermectrin may be suspect. Maybe someone will chime in with more info.

    We've been using Interceptor for both of them since the day we got them (6 years ago?). We also give it RELIGIOUSLY every month.

  10. We took both our greys in for their 6 month wellness check last weekend.

    Though they both lost some weight the were other-wise very healthy.

    Poop, urine and blood tests were run.


    Last night we got a call from the vet...


    Our girl June has parasites! Heart worm and another (my husband took the call and can't remember the other).

    WHAT? They both get heart worm preventative pills every month like clockwork! Now both (to be safe) have to go on meds for the next couple months.

    So this alone is disturbing, but this isn't even the worst news...


    Our brindle boy Sidney's blood levels were very bad...

    And bad as in they are 95% sure he has Lymphoma.


    We were both shocked at this news... not expecting it at all.


    So this weekend we have an appt this weekend with HOPE to have Sidney evaluated and more tests run to see for sure what is going on.


    I will keep you all posted as we find out more, but good thoughts, vibes, prayers, etc are appreciated.

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