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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Well, recently, Sidney hasn't been very interested in eating. We started adding something "interesting" to his food to bribe him to eat... But it's getting harder and harder to bribe him.

    His behavior has been the same other-wise.... Active, runs around, no scratching, licking himself, poop is normal, etc.


    He eats treats still just fine.


    Granted, it has been hot here lately. But the last few days have cooled off significantly but at hasn't affected this behavior.


    We are thinking of bringing him to the vet for some tests.


    Anything else we can do or look out for? I kinda think he's just bored of his food?

  2. I have one of each. The male is super laid back and the female is a little anxious once in a while in certain situations. The female is a total love bug where the male is more quiet with his affection. Our boy bonded with my husband while the girl is my baby. But they both love each of us.


    But I guess they all are different.

  3. We are in our 9th month of having Sidney and June...


    A few days ago Sidney FINALLY decided he didn't want to go in his crate at the end of the night.

    So I am happy to say I think we are finally passed the crates!


    We are leaving them out for now where they are during the day and at night. If all stays well, we will be collapsing them up and putting them away in the attic.



  4. We actually ONLY put peanut butter in our Kongs.

    But we don't use them to crate them either... they go in just by saying "crate".


    There was a week or 2 where June suddenly didn't want to go in her crate anymore. We would coax her in and gave her lots of praise. She hasn't minded at all since.

  5. My good friend, the friend that made me want to adopt greyhounds, lost their greyhound Saturday to Lymphoma.

    When I first met her and her husband, they had two greyhounds... Ice and Oscar. This was 5 years ago.

    They are what made me want to adopt them!

    Oscar died Saturday.... He came so far since I've known him. He was very people shy when I first met him. The last time I saw him he came over for a play date with my hounds. He was sweet and affectionate.

    This was about 2 months ago.

    I feel lucky to have known Oscar.... He was a great greyhound and a sweetheart. I wish my friend peace during this difficult time.

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