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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. 9 minutes ago, EllenEveBaz said:

    :nod  we know how you feel, and will wait for news with bait on our breath.  In the meantime, got a link to pics of any of the possibilities?  

    Sadly no... my rescue just got a truck in of hounds from Kansas.

    All I know is they said they have "2 girls in mind" for us.

    Saturday I will take pics for sure!!!!!!!

  2. Greyhounds Reach the Beach made DH and I realize how much we missed having greys in the house. It's quiet... SO QUIET. Too quiet.

    We talked about when to get another hound or 2... and we realized Sidney and June would be OK with us opening our hearts and home again to more hounds in need.

    Sooooooooo we are heading to our rescue this weekend to see if we can find a few more hounds to give a good home to...

    Fingers crossed we find some matches for us and them. 

    Stay tuned!

  3. 1 hour ago, Time4ANap said:

    That's awesome.  We haven't seen some of our "greyhound family" in at least 3 or 4 years because one or the other of us didn't make it there the last few years.  The best part of the week is catching up with old friends and meeting new greyhound folks. 

    I can’t wait to see her and catch up. 
    Though it sucks right now having lost our babies this year I will forever be grateful she helped us get them. 

  4. 51 minutes ago, MandysMom said:

    I'm so sorry about Sidney. I know how hard it is. I lost my beloved Mandy a few weeks before Dewey in 2012. I decided to go because I was going to be miserable no matter where I was. At least I got a trip to the beach and got to love on lots of pups.

    I think that’s our mentality. 
    Thank you. 

  5. I am so sad to be writing and posting this...

    After 9 months Sidney finally lost the battle with Leukemia. 

    He was the sweetest dog I have ever met. He was so gentile. He was in the rescue a full year longer due to being deemed "cat unsafe", but he was terrified of our 3 kitties. He let them swat at him and never even looked twice at them. He was so patient and laid back. He was a gentleman to our June and would let her push her way out the door first while he politely waited back. He even waited patiently for the cats to move out of the way if they were in front of his food bowls. 

    He was beautiful... a perfect red brindle with the softest fur... like a bunny. People always commented on how soft his fur was. And he was so regal... always held his head up and looked proper. He had ears to die for... just big and alert.

    He loved the yard... he would run around doing zoomies with his buddy June when she was still alive. He would run to the fence and bark at the deer. He'd do crazy figure 8s. And he'd walk the perimeter like he was patrolling his turf. Then he'd lie down and roll around in the grass and just watch. 

    Cancer is a total b*tch. It takes our loved ones without care or remorse. I wish we had so much more time with him, but sadly we do not. I cherish every moment we had. He will forever have a spot in my heart.










    The house is so quiet without any greyhounds...



  6. 38 minutes ago, cleptogrey said:

    Best thoughts and HUGS. This is a very painful time for all. Jamie never made it thru the prednisone to start chemo or even a consult for a clinical trial the lymphoma was so agressive. It just attacks their entire system very rapidly. (NO HUGS EMOJI ON PHONE)....SO BIG HUG

    I’m sorry to hear that. He went in remission once so hopefully he does again. 

    He’s 10 going on 11 so all good days are bonuses. 

    Thank you for the hugs :inlove

    12 minutes ago, Remolacha said:

    glad he made it through the treatment with no upsets! now :candle for good results

    Thank you! Me too. 

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