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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Just a quick followup.... June is 99% back to her old self. She is still on antibiotics to be safe.


    The only thing now is she doesn't want to do stairs anymore. I think falling up and/or down them during her episode freaked her out. For now we are letting her skirt them. Our house allows us to have her go in and out from the family room and avoid stairs. Eventually we will work on getting her confident to tackle stairs again. She was never great with them in the first place... she would balk at them and have to "psych herself up" to go up and down them, so this isn't a shock to us.


    Just wanted to let you all know how she was doing :)

  2. I'm glad that June is home and doing better. She may need another week or so to totally recover. Our Hobbes had Vestibular Disease exhibiting the same symptoms as June. Although he was on his feet again within a day, he was a little wobbly for a week to ten days. Then he seemed to bounce back to normal as his legs got stronger. The snow, I am sure, isn't making it easier for June.


    Good luck and best wishes for her total recovery.

    Thanks... that's encouraging to hear. No, the snow isn't helping at all. But she's doing well for now. Luckily my husband is working from home all next week so he can keep and eye on her.

  3. Hey, I am late giving an update:


    June came home yesterday afternoon. She was very happy to be home and happy to see us. For the most part she is doing well.


    BUT! She seems to be having issues with her one hind leg. I am not sure if it's residual from this episode? If she hurt her hip when she fell multiple times? Or if she really did have a seizure?


    For now we are keeping her on a leash when we let her out despite her wanting to take off running. She has a great appetite and thirst, and her poop and pee schedule is normal. She is behaving very normal.


    Hopefully we can put this whole thing behind us.

  4. How is she this morning?

    Thx for asking... the vet called us this morning around 8:45. She is doing much better he said. Able to get up on her own, and very light assistance with a sling to help her with her hind legs which are still a little bit wobbly. He said she is alert and seems calm and more herself this morning, so it definitely sounds like this episode is passing. They are going to ween her off the IV fluids and hopefully we can get her this evening to bring home. She will have some anti-nausea meds for a while to take.

    So overall, things sounds great!

    I appreciate everyone's prayers and well wishes :)

  5. Sending positive thoughts for June! My Gigi had one vestibular episode when he was 12 yo, it was very very scarying because it happened while he was going downstairs and he fell. Luckily he didn't break any bone and he was fine in a few days, he didn't have any other episode for the rest of his life and he left us when he was 18

    Wow, 18???? That is a very old age for a grey!

    Thx again for the positive comments. The only thing that has me slightly concerned is the vet said this happens in "older" dogs... June is 7 (will be 8 in June). I don't really consider her old, but I guess that is?

  6. My eleven year old had a serious episode and was fine in a few days. The only evidence was a slight head tilt that she had for months. She lived until almost thirteen, and never had another episode. Hope you have a similar resolution.

    I'm hoping she doesn't have another episode... it was pretty scary. The vet said she most likely will not have another one, and should be back to herself in a few days.

  7. Our poor June was rushed to the vet this morning... she had thrown up, was shaking, drooling profusely and could hardly stand. I was able to get her outside this morning to go potty, but she couldn't stand and just laid down. We had to carry her out to the car to get her to the vet.


    The vets seem to think she has Vestibular Disease with all her symptoms. Full blood work was done along with X-rays to rule out her having ate something. Everything came back negative, so they think they are the right path. She also has no history of seizures which they were a little concerned about. She was admitted and will stay overnight for observation, stabilization and fluids... she was so upset when we brought her in they had to give her a little Valium.


    Assuming it is what they think, she should be fine in a few days.


    Prayers for a quick recovery.

  8. Here was my experience as a first time grey owner:


    When we first brought our hounds home, we were told to have them leased and muzzled and allow them to approach the cats and sniff them. My cats immediately hissed and smacked them in the face.

    Unsure if they were fine we continued to keep the cats separated from the dogs and only allowed them occasional visits. Talking to others we were getting mixed signals as to whether the one in particular was cat-safe.


    We did this for almost a year. Finally one day we said screw it and left the cats out with the dogs muzzled. The cats came into the room we were all in. The hounds immediately jumped up and wanted to see the kitties.... again, they were both smacked hard in the face (my cats hate dogs... ALL dogs).


    They have been fine ever since... in fact, the hounds are terrified of the cats (all 3 of them) and make a point to avoid them.

    BUT, when they are outside they try to kill ANYTHING that moves.


    I can't say this will be the case with you, but I'm hoping he needs to just get a good sniff of your cats and my adoption place told me if they smack the dog that's even better. The cat running away is one of the worse things, as any dogs will want to chase after it.


    I also keep my hounds gated in their own room when we are not home and the cats don't go anywhere near that room.


    Good luck!

  9. Well, after a year and a half with the 2 hounds, we have finally and successfully integrated them with the cats!

    Initially we were concerned the one hound was prey driven and not safe with cats (even though he was deemed ok by the rescue). So we kept everyone completely separated. He had a tendency to just stare at them. We were concerned this was a bad sign.


    Well one day we just said enough was enough.


    A week of watching the hounds with their muzzles on with the cats around (while we were around) and everyone is good. In fact, the cats have taken their place as higher on the food chain than the dogs. The hounds are very aware of the fact that the cats do not like them, and know 100% to not go near them. They were initially interested in them of course since it was something new, but now they couldn't care less they are around.

    We still crate the hounds when we aren't around, but otherwise everyone is happy to have the whole house.


    I am very excited about this. I know I had started a thread a while ago about the cats but couldn't find it to save my life.

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