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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. 9 hours ago, teri_d said:

    When we moved we had to find a new pet sitter......it is frightening for sure!   But we hit the jackpot and ours also texts pictures and little stories to let us know they are fine.   I always leave a 10 Starbucks card to her on the counter from Jill and Phog to let her know how appreciated she is!

    Yup, I intend to leave her a nice Xmas gift. 
    always left the other sitter a nice one too. 

  2. On 11/27/2019 at 6:41 PM, smt said:

    I know you must feel a huge sense of relief.  Enjoy your trip, and hopefully you will get lots of pics and updates on how the girls are doing while you are away.

    I’ll always be nervous leaving my babies... but this helps :D

  3. 17 hours ago, MP_the4pack said:

    Sure, why not.

    Well a BIG thank you Mary Pat and Emerald!

    Carmen is enjoying her treats and has graciously been sharing them with Amelia. 

    The apples were very tasty and I can’t wait to try the homemade jarred treats!

    Thank you so much :inlove

  4. 22 minutes ago, MerseyGrey said:

    I’m sure they did...we’re beside ourselves with worry while they are oblivious and will just sleep through our absence :lol

    They are very happy with anyone's attention luckily. My last two were a lot more picky. 

    8 minutes ago, MP_the4pack said:

    I could be an emergency backup.  I'm 50 minutes away. But your girls would need to come here since I also have a couple girls. 

    And unfortunately your cats would need to find a different sitter.

    I truly appreciate that offer. Thank you!

    The kitties are easy - I have a neighbor that has come fed them in the past. 

    My sister is another emergency plan if I ever needed one. 

  5. 56 minutes ago, MerseyGrey said:

    Good luck! We ask my very dependable in laws to stay with us if we need an extended sit but we also have a lady who comes in for our very (very) occasional nights out without the dog who stays for toilets breaks a bit of a cuddle. But mostly we have just stopped going out to places where he can’t come, so now it’s holidays with the boy and we visit dog friendly pubs (many are, including the one across the road from us fortunately!). I’m sure we don’t need to be like this but most of the time I just don’t want to leave him anyway. Sometimes you just can’t help it.

    I hope it goes well today

    Thank you!

    Unfortunately I booked the hotel a while ago. Thought about changing the reservation to a pet-friendly one but by then everything was booked solid in in town. 

    Next year we plan on taking a few trips with the girls.

    Looks like the visit went well. Checked things out on our various puppy cams and the girls behaved :P

  6. Ugh, so my husband and I found ourselves in a tight spot...

    We've had a pet/house sitter for the last 6+ years? With 2 greyhounds and 3 cats it always made since to have someone stay at the house while away. 

    Our last sitter was good with Sidney and June... she was always a little "flighty" but the hounds liked her and she always showed up. 

    Then one day she just vanished. We tried calling her several times and texting with never a response. So we let it go and the few times we went away we had the hounds boarded at the vet... not our first choice but they both had medical needs so it worked out. 

    Then one day I randomly called the pet sitter after seeing her website was still active... low and behold she answered! A long story explained her absence (not really but it partially explained things).

    GREAT! I booked her for a short trip in December months ago. We still have the kitties to have looked after. Once we adopted Amelia and Carmen I reached out telling her about them and canned to have her come out to meet the girls. 

    Well... she never showed to meet them. A few texts messages and a phone call to her and nothing. Then I get a short text back afterwards that only said, "she's in the hospital". 

    This isn't good... this was 3 weeks from our trip and now we felt like we couldn't rely on her. Is she going MIA again? I'm not leaving town having no idea if this woman is showing up or not. 


    My husband and I took a leap of faith and have booked a new sitter. She already came out once to interview with us and meet the girls. Both hounds liked her right away. She is my age so no "kid" is showing up and she has 4 dogs of her own. 

    Today she's coming out to let the girls out at lunchtime by herself as a trial run.

    Fingers crossed all goes well!

  7. Saturday I out up our Xmas tree... a little earlier than usual (I usually out it up the weekend after Thanksgiving) but next week and weekend are packed so I saw the time opening and took it...

    Well go figure... 

    Carmen’s Secret Santa gift arrived!

    Thank you! Should I say who Carmen’s SS was yet?

    She loves the treats! And the human ones are great too ;)

  8. 11 hours ago, greysmom said:

    I made the mistake of leaving cookies to cool on the counter rack, and going to the bathroom!!  30 seconds and nearly 2 dozen cookies down the hatch!!!!

    Ooooooo that had to sting!!!!!! All those cookies!!!! :omg

    11 hours ago, GreyPoopon said:

    Yum, peas!

    Good thing the stove wasn't on. Whew.

    Yes, good thing. 

    Next time: use back burner and a lid!

  9. LOL perhaps I shouldn't laugh too much about this but last night as we were relaxing and watching tv waiting for the pork in the oven to cook we suddenly realized we were sans hound...

    My husband went up into the kitchen to find our little Carmen with her feet up on the stove helping herself to the pot of peas we had not yet turned on...

    HAHAHAHAHA I seriously can't stop laughing at this. 

    Shame on us for not covering them and setting them on the back burner. 

  10. 33 minutes ago, smt said:

    Hi there, just checking in on the girls.  How is Amelia doing with Carmen?  

    Thx for asking!

    Things are good... Amelia definitely has her "alpha" place now. Carmen is friendly with her but in "their room" she lets Amelia be in control which is good.

    Outside they are s cute... they started utilizing the whole yard to do zooms and chase each other. Carmen usually initiates and Amelia says, "no way your butt is beating me!" and takes off after her (usually passes her). 

    So it seems it's only the one room where Amelia seems to want to show she's boss and Carmen is very smartly letting her have it. 

    Fingers crossed this remains the case.

  11. 7 hours ago, smt said:

    I just LOVE the little bitty girls.  Our first was 52 pounds and would get mistaken for a whippet.  Im not sure what it is, but the petite ones always capture me.  It's funny, we have a friend who loves the big boys.  The bigger the better, as far as she is concerned.  Variety makes the world a much more interesting place.

    We thought our last 2 were small and they were both 72 lbs! 
    Our little one is just too cute... she’s got the cutest little head. 
    I’d take big, small or medium... they all have their charm :beatheart

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