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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Update:

    Saw the oncologist this morning... they are not sure of the bloodwork results.

    So they want to move forward with a bit of an aggressive treatment for 2 weeks. 

    This morning Sidney got an under the skin chemo and we were sent home with a 3 day supply of meds. In a week we get bloodwork done to see how this worked... if we get the nod we have a series of pills to give him for one day, then more bloodwork to see how that work. 

    Once those are done we will reassess. 

    Fingers crossed this works. 

  2. Well not a great update:

    Sidney's visit with the Oncologist didn't go great.

    His lymphocytes are back up to a bad range. More bloodwork was done to determine if he just became non-responsive to his current medication or if it's now become the bad version of Lymphoma. We should hear the results today so fingers crossed he just needs a med change. 


  3. 14 hours ago, Time4ANap said:

    It really is scattered nicely throughout both towns.  We stay right in the town of Rehoboth so that we can pretty much park the car on arrival and walk everywhere for meals, shopping etc.  We usually take the car and go to the vendors in Dewey at least one if not 2 days depending on how many we get to on the first day and any special events they've scheduled, and we also use the car to  meet up with friends on the beach in Dewey, as well as going to to the Ice Cream Social held by one of the adoption groups which is also usually in Dewey.   Either way, wherever you stay you will want to have a car to explore the full event.  The talks and additional vendors will be at the Rehoboth Convention Center along with registration, 

    Also, parking in Rehoboth on Saturday and Sunday is usually tight, but that may just mean parking several blocks from Rehoboth Ave on a main or side street and walking into town a few blocks. 

    Thank you so much! 

    Hope to see lots of you there! 

    Sidney will really enjoy some greyhound time. He's been a little lonely without his partner in crime.

  4. The husband and I are FINALLY going to make it down! 

    Sadly we will be making it without our June... but with Sidney in cancer remission we really want to get down.

    I know that registration is at the Rehoboth Convention Center this year, but is most of the events in Dewey? I'm trying to figure out where to go.

    Thx for the help gang! 

  5. Mine have gone so far as to rip them to shreds... I mean a head here, half a body there, etc.

    It's happened 2x. 

    We didn't yell or scold them. It was in our backyard and they probably attacked together. 

    Meanwhile, in the house they were and STILL are terrified of the cats LOL

    If it's outside it's fair game apparently. 



  6. Update:

    Sidney had another visit with the oncologist. Blood cell levels checked.

    They were cut in half and he is very close to remission!

    Prednisone was cut by a third, and will be cut again in 4 weeks, so less meds! 

    He goes back in June for another levels test. Hopefully will be in remission by then!

    His appetite is good and his energy is up. Go Sidney!


  7. I am lucky that I've never had negative comments from people my hounds have met. Everyone seems to love them and say they are beautiful.

    The only negative comments I've gotten are from my mother who says they are "weird". But I don't put a lot of stock in what she says most of the time... I just ignore her and don't invite her over if she doesn't like my hounds and kitties. 

    NEVER feel like a victim because you are a small woman.. I'm a pretty short woman and I don't let people push me around. 

    You handled the situation just fine... give a wave if you ever see her again and keep on walking. 


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