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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Update: a hectic weekend unfortunately with family in town. Not ideal for 2 new pups but we did the best we could.

    Pups both did fine. 

    Carmen is still having issues at night... in fact she broke her crate early this morning... pulled the whole front in. 

    We did get the DAP diffuser and some of the spray as well. 

    Hoping this week is more structured and she starts to get the routine. 

    Any more advice to help her out is appreciated. 

  2. 6 hours ago, MP_the4pack said:

    Carmen looks just like my Emma when she was that age! Is she a Flying Penske dog?

    She’s pretty awesome. A little crazy but awesome. 

    5 hours ago, lukasmom said:

    They are lovely girls. Congratulations!

    My last girl I adopted at 2 years old.My boy was 6 at the time. She still tries to get him to play. He is like " girl you crazy". She twirls and spins like mad and throws the stuffies all over, they bounce off the ceiling. She is a lot of fun. She ran 23 races and her racing name was Diana Ross. She is now called Neko.

    Diana Ross! That’s awesome! Amelia likes the stuffies. Carmen isn’t too interested. 

    5 hours ago, Jerilyn said:

    They are adorable!  Congratulations to all of you!

    Thank you!

  3. Thx all! 
    It’s going pretty well. Only issue so far is when we go to bed. The hounds are downstairs together. 
    They aren’t happy when we go up to bed for the night. That’s going to take time. 
    Otherwise they are pretty awesome! 

  4. Thank you!

    We are doing most/all of that minus the diffuser... thx for that suggestion.

    Definitely know time, patience and schedule are key. Our last girl  who was older (4 when we got her) was anxious as well and took time to adjust. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, cleptogrey said:

    just give her time. her entire world has been turned upside down.keep her crate up- don't even think of breaking it down.

    congrats on your new pups.

    Kinda my thoughts... just want to make sure we are doing everything right :)


  6. Hey gang,

    So we just adopted 2 sweet 2 year old girls (if you didn’t see my other post).

    Amelia is settling fast and easy, but Carmen seems very anxious. Obviously it’s only been a few days, but wondering if there’s anything we can do to help her settle a little easier. 
    Her crate is definitely a safe space which is good. It’s the only place she will lay down and relax. Outside of it she’s constantly walking/pacing. 

    Thx in advance.

    Still feel like we could always use advice. I’m certainly no expert :D

  7. First day at work with the babies home... I will be going home at lunch to give them a pee break and stretch their legs. 

    So far things are going well... they let us sleep till 6:20 this morning :yay

    Carmen is a little whiny when we leave her (we have a puppy cam in their room). But she settles down in a minute. 

    Hopefully she will realize we are always coming back and not whine when we leave. But can't expect her know the routine in barely 2 days. 


  8. 6 hours ago, NevadasMom said:

    Beautiful girls! Carmen face is so cute! 😍😍

    Thank you! She has the littlest head! 

    My last 2 were a lot bigger than these 2 girls. 

    Sadly I’m gonna have to get new Voyager coats :omg

    Well 1, anyway... the one seems to be ok but the other would drown them!

  9. 1 hour ago, GreyPoopon said:

    Oh my goodness. Two year olds. Gulp. 

    You're in for some ... uh ... fun.


    Explanatory Aside: I'm partial to old dears. They're about all I can handle. The woolly dog is the firecracker. :lol: 

    Lol so I’m hearing! 

    Our last 2 were 4 and 5 when we got them. 
    The girls have been doing pretty good for their first day with us. 

  10. 2 hours ago, EllenEveBaz said:

    They are beautiful!!!!

    Were they friends at the rescue?  I gather they just arrived -- so maybe they're just now learning to become sisters?  Did you mean to get two, or were you unable to decide between them?  :lol  

    Thank you! 
    A bunch of dogs just came from the same place in Kansas so they already knew each other. 
    Nah, we were getting 2 from the beginning... got Sidney and June together back in 2013. They are just better in pairs or groups! 


  11. Well we went to our rescue yesterday and ended up coming home same day with these two!

    Amelia was born 9/10/17 

    She only ran 2 races.



    Carmen never ran.

    She was born 8/23/17



    Both are doing pretty well for under 24 hours in their new home.

    Amelia gets a little upset when we leave but settles quickly. We haven't officially introduced them to the cats... one thing at a time. 




    I think we are gonna have our hands full with these girls!!!!!! 


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