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Posts posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Just now, MP_the4pack said:

    They can do that too. I just know some people enjoy reading the poems.

    If that works...GREAT! But Elfster hasn't been the most cooperative or reliable. So I didn't want to leave it with them.

    Hopefully it does work if others use it... the person I PM'd got my note and responded.

  2. Gorgeous!

    I hope she's a keeper!

    Sounds like she is following the same path as our 2 year olds... they were super fine at first, then got whiny when left. Now they seem very content to be lazy when we leave for the day for work. One of us always comes home for a lunch potty break and some lovin, but they seem to already know we will return! And we continue to not use the crates. They have been packed away and the girls have the family room to themselves during the day. 

    It has been 3.5 weeks now. 

    BTW- the "bigger" girl Amelia is only 58 pounds and our little Carmen is a whopping 51.8 lbs! I swear she's 1/2 whippet! 


  3. 18 minutes ago, MP_the4pack said:

    Since you said you didn't get my PM,  I  sent you your name through Elfster.

    Sigh. If I do this next year,  I'm doing it manually.  It'll be WAY easier.

    Yup, got it that way. Thank you so much!

  4. Things have been fine since...

    This morning when we were trying to wake ourselves up and the girls were jumping all over excited Amelia growled at carmen for a second I think to tell her to calm the H down. They had slept perfectly quiet next to each other all night up to that point. 

    I really do think she's trying to say, "hey I'm top dog".

    Will keep you all posted on more updates. 

    BTW- today is only 3 weeks since we adopted them both. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, BatterseaBrindl said:

    NILIF = Nothing In Life Is Free

    You've been given excellent advice. It's early days yet and the settling in process can be hard.

    We have had our 2.5 yr old Galgo/Grey mix here for 3 months now ... he's a little firecracker .... and pack dynamics are still changing. 

    Ahhhhhhhhh got it!

    I'm chalking a lot of this up to newness. 

    The husband went home for lunch to let out the pups and he reported they happily chased each other around the yard. 


  6. 6 minutes ago, dante2zoe said:

    I had that happen, except the bite results were quite different.  Fancy had to undergo surgery to repair the tear.  Then, 8 days later, Paris nailed her again.  We ended up seeing a behaviorist, placing Paris on medication, and practicing loads of NILIF.  In our case, the trigger appeared to be a hospice foster that we had and Paris redirected her frustration onto Fancy.  After our foster passed, things calmed down considerably.  We have slowly weaned Paris back on her meds because you just never know, and still practice NILIF with her.  We did get another 3rd hound, a male this time, and we haven't had any issues.  However, after that experience, I will never ever take calm for granted again!  It was quite the scary and stressful experience.  It also took Fancy months to fully relax around Paris again.  

    I so feel your pain and trepidation.  Hope all goes well from here on out.  I would make her earn everything though - a tired mind seems to help keep them calm.  

    I have to ask... what does NILIF stand for?

    I am VERY thankful Carmen was not injured from the bite... or scare. 

    Carmen (both are, but especially Carmen) is extremely smart. She seems to be giving Amelia plenty of space right now which I think is pretty darn smart of our little girl. She's not giving her an excuse to lash out at her. 

    I do hope as they continue to settle that both feel more confident and this will not become the norm. 

    Thx for the share and advice!

  7. Last night we carried on as usual. Thankfully it was a very uneventful night.

    We did eat at the table in the kitchen this time to be safe. While we did both hounds laid next to each other on the kitchen floor quietly. 

    Carmen does seem a little cautious around Amelia now when inside. I am hoping she loosens up a bit with time. 

    She also didn't try to steal Amelia's spot on the couch last night... this may be a good thing moving forward. 

    Thanks everyone for the replies... keeping an eye on them for sure since everything is still very new. 

  8. 52 minutes ago, greysmom said:

    If you want to pursue this I would begin by keeping a diary of the incidents with as much info as you can remember of the past ones, and try to be complete in future (hopefully none) episodes.  

    If it does happen again I would seek out an experienced canine behaviorist, and depending on what this person said, maybe a canine neurologist.  We don't see it a lot in greyhounds, but every once in a while unexplained "aggression" can indicate a brain tumor or other physical abnormality.  Which needs a CT/MRI to diagnose properly, so start a savings account for that expense.

    I hope it's not that and it's just new-home-snarks and things settle down again soon!

    I am hoping these were 2 isolated incidents due to her still acclimating to her new home and maybe a bit of wrong decision on our part.

    But I will keep notes.

    Hopefully it's not neurological... our last girl had a brain tumor. Went through the whole MRI, etc with her. She actually never had any aggressive issues. The mass caused seizures with her. 

    I appreciate the response... thank you!

  9. Sorry if I missed this elsewhere, but is anyone organizing the card exchange this year?

    I remember there was talk of sharing the work after last year. 

    I love getting all the cards... and am willing to help out. 


  10. 1 minute ago, smt said:

    Others with way more experience and insight can weigh in on the question of aggression (though it was encouraging to read what racindog had to say).  I just want to offer up some empathy.  Especially after such a great start to things, I can only guess how upsetting this must have been for you, given that it seemed to come out of the blue.  Hopefully it is just Amelia having a snarky personality quirk.  I know some very fine people who can be snarky at times, but are otherwise lovely and lovable.  Stands to reason that the same can be said for our pups.  I had a pug a long time ago who had been an only dog for many years.  When my partner and I moved in together and blended the canine family, my pup was a total and annoying pill towards my partners sweet golden retriever.  There was some growling and snapping but nothing ever super serious.  

    Given that the girls seem to have moved past it and are calm and settled, I am wishing the same fo you :)


    Thx for the well wishes and sympathy! 

  11. Thx for the reply!

    Of course the rest of the evening the 2 acted as if nothing happened. And they both seem fine this morning. 

    As another precaution we will not be eating in the family room for a while so we make sure it's not a food aggression issue we are starting. 

    Otherwise they have interacted fine AND eat side-by-side. They even slept near each other last night. 

    Muzzles are on stay-by if we need to use them and we have no issue using them. 

    Thx again!

  12. Let me back-track by saying we had the neighbor and her young greyhound over the other day. 
    The 3 were fine in the yard, but once they came inside Amelia went after the other dog and bit her. 
    We chalked it up to her possibly being territorial and since the other grey wasn’t injured we dropped it.

    Well tonight, and just 10 minutes ago, Amelia went after and bit Carmen. Nothing weird, just a normal, quiet night. The 2 were standing next to each other and suddenly Amelia showed her teeth and lunged at Carmen. 

    I’m not sure what to make of this now... is she trying to establish dominance? Or does she want to be the only dog which causes a problem. 

    Any help or advice is very appreciated... I’m pretty upset right now :(

  13. Update: both girls are just awesome! 

    I can't believe in just over 2 weeks they both have taken over my house and seem to feel "at home".

    They now run around the yard and chase each other. 

    At night they now stay in our bedroom with us and they are quite happy to do this. They both just want to be with us.

    When we leave for work they are quiet and park on the couch.

    I seriously can't believe they are only 2 and only with us for 2 weeks?????????


    Only ones pissed are my kitties :rolleyes:

  14. 3 minutes ago, MP_the4pack said:

    Anyone having trouble RSVPing?

    I put both my dogs in and RSVPd. But it takes me to a page that doesn't do anything.  When I click go back to Cee magic's page I get an error.

    So far I only have half the group.  None of the multiple boxes are there.

    When I went to RSVP to the second email it said I already had registered and showed my other dog I had registered so I'm assuming it went ok?

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