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Everything posted by Acadianarose

  1. I'm so sorry Jesse wasn't with you longer. I am so glad you hung in with him and had an amazing three years. Run free, Jesse.
  2. My vet strongly suggested I give my senior lab Dasuquin Soft Chews. I really didn't want to, but ended up trying it. It has really worked well. He is moving much, much better.
  3. Glad you have some answers. Hope you are feeling better soon, handsome Trummie!
  4. I have had to put a scoop of yogurt in my dog's food to help out with gas. It really does make a big difference.
  5. I have not, but I would be interested in it. Payton has horrible teeth and they were just cleaned in July. I brush them every single day too.
  6. Payton will lick his lips if he is anxious, especially if he is lying down.
  7. Payton has learned that "go potty some more" means go poop, but it took him a little while to get it. He also poops on a schedule so I had to learn that. Definitely walk until she poops. Confining her in the room with you will help. Good luck and congratulations!
  8. I am so sorry Lucas had to go. Run free, handsome
  9. I agree with everything said above too. You should not muzzle your dog around unmuzzled dogs- your dog would have no chance to defend herself. Also, if by "soft" muzzle, you mean the ones that wrap around the dog's snout, no, don't use that kind for any length of time. The dog can't pant with it on. The basket muzzle works the best.
  10. Payton does this too. So funny. He runs in every morning to stick a cold nose in my neck and then turns around so I can scratch his butt.
  11. The dogs see the cats in their family different than they see cats outside. Most of them see the cats outside as fair game. So sorry for you, your grey and the cat. ETA: cats scratches can lead to infection so definitely keep an eye on him. Someone else with more experience will chime in, I'm sure.
  12. I was going to say this same thing - Payton will run around and play outside forever and not pee or poop. I always go outside with him and make sure he uses the bathroom.
  13. This. When the dogs hear the garage, they know someone has arrived. He is so cute, BTW.
  14. Payton will occasionally eat poop. I try to make sure I keep it cleaned up. Also, he will leave it if I tell him to. Payton will eat cat poop any time he gets a chance so I am constantly scooping the litter box. A couple of days ago, we were on our way to Petsmart and I scooped the litter box before we left. I set the bag outside the door while I ran back inside real quick. Payton got into the bag, ate the poop and then panted over the back of my neck the whole 20 minute drive to Petsmart. Yuck! I brushed his teeth but his breath was horrible!
  15. Our adoption group is small so they get to know us and the dogs well. They have a lot of experience so I generally take their advice. But I am not sure that adopting another dog is the best idea for my daughter right now. Some whining is not a huge deal. I know it could be much worse. She just hates to see him so miserable. And I am sure the neighbors in her apartment are tired of him whining. I really appreciate everyone's advice. She is going to continue with the alone training and try the DAP or rescue remedy. Thanks so much!
  16. She has a huge gap before classes – she can’t just sit in a parking lot. She did video him. He whines for a few minutes every few minutes. I don’t necessarily consider a dog following you around separation anxiety either. I was using that as an example of how attached he is to them. Her fiancé works 12 hour shifts so he is home at times, but I believe Charlie is okay if he is not alone. I don’t think they crate him if her fiance is home (and sleeping) but I am not 100% sure on that.
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