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Everything posted by Acadianarose

  1. That is a tough call. I would never trust any dog 100% with a young child but I don't think I would trust Payton much at all. When we first got him, DD got too close to him and he jumped up barking and basically stood on her head (she is 9) when she dropped to the ground. We were terrified. He also growled a few times at her. She is old enough to be involved with training and gives him treats, etc., so he is doing much better with her. I still make him wear a muzzle in the car with her and I am very careful to supervise her interaction with him. I generally put him in his kennel if small children are here, but he is doing really good with her. That being said, my oldest daughter's greyhound does great with kids, with the exception of the really annoying ones that are too much in his face. I believe that you have to be extremely careful anytime you have a dog and children together. That goes for any breed.
  2. This seems like such bull. I feel like that is the risk they take - just like it is the risk you take that you will never need the insurance you pay for. Unless they deduce your premiums if you have paid in more than they have paid out... Not likely.
  3. He looks so cheerful, poor man. I am so happy to see his happy face. I know this is all so difficult for you, too. All that you have gone through, Alicia, finally forced to make a decision on pet insurance and get Payton covered.
  4. I saw Fireheart when she was up for adoption! We adopted from the same agency. Congratulations! She is beautiful! First, Payton did the same thing when we adopted him in August. It got scary for a while and I considered returning him, but he is much better now. We had (still have actually) a treat bowl above his bed and anytime anyone would walk by, we would drop a treat. It did not take long before he starting looking expectantly when someone walked by his bed. Also, no rawhide, kong, or anything like that unless she is in her crate. As a matter of fact, I gave Payton a rawhide for the first time this past weekend and I did not put him in his crate Although he has not growled at anyone in a couple of months, he growled at DD when she walked by him. Finally, you can also call Lesley if you have any questions. She will always have time to help.
  5. I agree with everyone else - he needs to go back to housebreaking 101. We had something similar when we moved a few years ago and we had to go back to basics. Payton seems to be more easily freaked out than other breeds I have had. And on his first day here, he fell in the swimming pool. Just walked right in! The only way to the grass is to go past the pool and he was of course terrified. Recently, we had heavy winds blowing through the trees which scared him. He would try to potty on the patio as close to the house as possible or go back inside without pottying. I keep making him stay outside until he finishes. When I have house trained a dog, I have either had them leashed to me or in their crate. It is amazing how quickly a dog can sneak off to potty in the house!
  6. I don't use heartgard any longer, but when I did, I would break it into pieces and give it to them.
  7. Just wondering how you handle a “pushy” hound? Payton will often push Toby (the old Lab) out of the way if someone is petting Toby, or he will push Toby from by the door when we get home. Things like that. We did have a fight a couple of months ago at the door, so generally Toby will wait a little bit back from the door. Toby does not seem to be upset by Payton’s behavior and he is not scared of Payton. We are working on general training with Payton and he is getting better, but he has much to learn. Should I ignore the behavior and let them work things out, or if there is something we should be doing specifically to address his pushiness? Thanks! Edited to add: I do tell Payton to wait if I am petting Toby and he will back off.
  8. Just checking on Henry. So glad to see the positive updates. You and Henry are going to do greyt, Alicia. Try to get some rest. You must be exhausted!
  9. Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and Henry. Sending prayers!
  10. Until very recently, I have not had problems with my vet (last time I went though, a new vet was working and I really felt like she was pushing expensive treatments). However, the push for yearly vaccinations drive me insane. In Louisiana, rabies are yearly so of course, every time go, the vet automatically starts to give a bunch of shots, so I have to make sure they doesn't get anything they don't need. Every time I give my animals a vaccination, I run the risk of a reaction. Really though, around here, you can't bring your pet to the groomer, broading, or even classes at Petsmart unless they have had all of the vaccinations yearly. I have considered requesting a titter but I don't know if that would be a acceptable substitute.
  11. Payton starting nipping me, mostly in the morning when he is really happy to see me and climbs (partly) in our bed. I don't really mind since I think it is kind of sweet. He is too reserved to really get all mouthy with a stranger. Although the morning nip on the inside of my arm kinds hurt...
  12. Poor Rudy. And poor you. I know it's stressful. Sending good thoughts your way.
  13. Payton spends a lot of time in his crate, but with the door open. I think he likes the ability to choose when to go in or out. He does great out all day. But, at first, it was really nerve racking! Here's hoping they keep up the good work!
  14. What a beautiful face. I am so sorry for your loss
  15. Yikes! I am glad you are okay. I know this is off subject, but the same “alone time” issue came up a few days ago. Had to stop right in the middle and lock Payton out of the room because he was really getting upset. DH would not have been happy to get bit on the hiney, especially at that exact moment…
  16. Sounds like Echo gave you a sign that he does not like the crate. Payton stayed in his crate for 3-4 weeks while I was at work but he kept peeing in it. I left him out while I went to work on a Friday since I get off early on Fridays. I tried baby gating him in the kitchen but when I got home, he had jumped the gate. After that, I left him baby gated in the living room and he was fine. I was panicked to get home for a week or so but he was fine. He had one accident when I left early and wasn't able to make it home for lunch to let him out. As time has gone on, he is able to hold it longer as well. If you can, try leaving him for a couple of hours to see how he does. You can muzzle him if you think you need to. Before I leave, I try to make sure to pick up anything he might get a hold of.
  17. Payton still pants a lot when he is nervous. On his gotcha day, he stood for about 4 hours without resting, panting a good portion of the time. We gave him a kong and he finally settled down. It gets better everyday though
  18. No judgment here. I know it is a really difficult decision and obviously one that you did not take lightly. Payton has growled and snapped a few times. I don't know what I would do if he bit someone.
  19. Acadianarose


    I am so sorry. Run free, handsome.
  20. I'm so sorry. He was so handsome. Gone way too soon.
  21. I let him walk around and sniff mailboxes, etc. But our trainer said that I should not let him sniff around or mark until I tell him its okay. Until then, he is supposed to walk. He is learning not to pull and to start walking when I say, but other than that, I have not worried about it.
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