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Everything posted by Acadianarose

  1. Just wondering - are you sure she is snarling? I know it sounds crazy, but my greyhound has a smile that looks like he is ready to rip your arm off. Lots of dogs are scared of small children. You have to be really diligent if you want to keep them together. And the 5 year old needs as much, if not more, training than the greyhound.
  2. Payton will try any time a door is open to get out and he has succeeded three times. We generally put him in his crate when someone comes to the door. We also put a fence between our garage and back patio so that he can’t run out of the garage from the patio. Also, he has learned that the back gate opens so he every single time he goes in the backyard, the first thing he does is push on the gate to see if it will open. I make sure to keep the lock on it. Every dog we have ever had has great recall (we spend a lot of time training it) but not Payton. He is our first greyhound – maybe that has something to do with it - I can’t ever see him having a strong enough recall to ever trust him not to take off.
  3. We have a large rock garden around our swimming pool, and the dogs prefer to use the bathroom in the rocks.
  4. Where was he petting her? Payton loves butt scratches, but only briefly and softly, and if someone he doesn't know well scratches him too long or hard, he will try to nip at them.
  5. We adopted Payton in August and he just got his first bath yesterday (really, a shower in the stand up shower). I would do frontline then wait a few days before bathing in your case. Generally, I bath then apply frontline in the next couple of days.
  6. Payton is a grazer but he never throws up the grass. He just likes to eat it.
  7. My dogs love coconut oil. That is they only thing that Payton will allow me to use to brush his teeth, mostly so he can eat it.
  8. He sounds a lot like my Payton, who is not a spook. As time goes on, he comes into contact with more new things and therefore, he is less and less frightened. Your boy will probably be the same way.
  9. Agree 100%. Love, love, love this video. I actually laughed out loud watching her. I can't believe her energy.
  10. A 100% solid, never fail recall is one of the hardest things (I believe) to teach any dog. I trust my lab's recall eventually - he will always come when I call. But there have been times when he has seen something and taken off running before I could call him. He stopped and came back, but if he had been near a road, or something dangerous, he could have gotten hurt. My greyhound - I can't ever see trusting his recall enough to let him off leash. He is too easily distracted by the cat or dog or whatever it is that he may see. I just can't take that chance. This is true - our group has this clause.
  11. I just picked up the DAP collar, but have not used it yet. Payton gets really nervous in the car. I just had to point out that George and Payton (Palm City Pelton) have the same mom. There are lots of Lonesome Cry pups on GT, but your guy is the only other Rooftop Jabber pup I have seen!
  12. Oh Rudy! Way to go, handsome. Payton is getting much better, but he still doesn't feel comfortable on the furniture. He will let you pet him if he is lying down and will nudge you if you stop petting him. Great job on being so patient with him and not giving up.
  13. I just lead Payton up to the door, kind of pull his leash inside, pat him on the butt and say "up". He got it fairly quickly. My daughter used to have to pick up her greyhound and put him in, but he caught on too. If I remember right, at the kennels, most of the girls are on top and the boys are on bottom, so I think it may be a little easier for the girls to jump in .
  14. Hi Steve and welcome. What great descriptions of your girls and so cute too. I would so love to go to GIG. It combines two of my favorite things - greyhounds and history. But I live in Louisiana so I won't be going anytime soon. However, I do spend a lot of time on your site, dreaming of going.
  15. Welcome! I have a greyhound and two cats. The greyhound is absolutely terrified of the cats. He will not even walk past the cats. If they are blocking his path, I have to move them so he can walk by
  16. Here too. Payton knows when the beach towel comes out, he is getting a turkey neck. He loves them and his teeth are getting so much better.
  17. I just noticed a couple of days ago that it must be getting about that time because Payton is shedding like crazy.
  18. My dogs always respect the baby gates. However, the vice-president of our adoption group posted a video of her greyhound lifting the lever on the baby gate and holding it open for other dogs to get out. As smart as I think my dogs are, I don't think they will figure out the workings of the baby gate any time soon and they appear to be too lazy to try go over it. So I think I am fairly safe.
  19. That was the funniest thread I have ever read.
  20. Me too. I remember the pictures Alicia posted. Otherwise it would have been really embarrassing!
  21. I am so sorry for your loss. Run free, Lazer
  22. I am so sorry. Run free, beautiful
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