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Everything posted by rsieg

  1. It is possible Hero is getting arthritic and has a hard time hopping into the car. There might not be a "scream of death" or anything like that, greyhounds can be stoic about chronic or expected pain. You might try making some stryofoam steps. See the pictures in this post: https://forum.greytalk.com/topic/321880-back-seat-ramp-suggestions/?tab=comments#comment-6040590 I made some for Max, now that Logan is in his double digits he gets to use it occasionally (although he can still hop in by himself, he is sometimes hesitant so I suspect it hurts him sometimes). Great thing about the styrofoam steps is that they are ultra lightweight, the dogs don't get nervous about using them like with a ramp (where there is air underneath), even someone like me can make them, and if they don't work you are only out a few dollars for the styrofoam slabs and some adhesive. The other thing I would check is the backseat setup. Are there belt buckles or anything that might hurt him? Can you pad it up somehow to make it more comfortable? When I had both Max and Logan, I ended up removing the backseat entirely and putting in a board, a baby mattress and piling some comforters on top. Taking the backseat out can also be helpful because it lowers the height that the dog has to jump to get in. (Of course, if you actually use the backseat for other things, like carrying people, then removing it may not be an option :-)
  2. Title says it all. A coworker asked this morning, she had seen an all-white dog and thought it might be a greyhound, but wasn't sure. Internet search found white & black and white & brindle greyhounds, but no all-white greyhounds. So does the all-white variety exist? (Of course, pictures would be great :-)
  3. Same here! I usually encourage Logan to get it done himself, and given a couple minutes he usually succeeds by applying more, ah, effort. But not always. It does concern me pulling it out, since grass can actually be sharp-edged. But I suppose by the time it goes through the gastrointestinal tract, it is pretty well softened up. Never had any blood at least, and he always seems fine afterward.
  4. Eating grass is normal. Logan does it on walks. What I find is a problem is if he eats long grass, then it comes out stringy at the other end and can give him problems dropping BMs (as in, sometimes it will be hanging by a thread, or rather by a grass strand). So I let him graze on short grass but pull him away from long grass. If Chowder is eating cut grass, and it was not too long, I would not worry about it.
  5. Logan says thanks to everyone. BTW, the rain was really only on the morning walk. It was spitting a bit on the second walk down in the park, but it actually cleared up for the 3rd and 4th walks.
  6. Quick P.S., rain held off so Logan got his last walk in, around the neighborhood at sunset. Checking the bushes... Still truck'in... ...and crashed for the evening He got 5.3 miles total in today, so he's earned a rest :-)
  7. So Logan turned 10 years old today. He came home just past 3 years old, so he has been with me almost 7 years. We did not do anything special, but he has been enjoying having me working at home due to the Ohio Stay at Home order, and he gets spoiled most days anyway :-) So, here is how he has spent the day. The morning walk. Sadly, it was drizzling rain this morning. But he still went more than a mile, and seemed to enjoy it ...but did seem eager to get in the house at the end. Woe is me, its raining on my Birthday... An ear scratching can make things better though... Next, need to rest up for the afternoon walk... Afternoon walk - down in the Cleveland Metroparks... Kind of a neat boardwalk, just built last year... The park is fun, lots to see... ...and its just greening up now here in northeast Ohio And, back to the parking lot Back in the car, and all Logan can think is: "Seven years, and he still hasn't gotten me an SUV!" And, crash again until the evening walk... Evening walk, just around the neighborhood... and, back and resting again... We may head out for one more night walk, though they are forecasting rain in the next couple hours so we'll see. Thanks for sharing Logan's 10th Birthday! (I know it was long, but a greyhound only turns double-digits once :-)
  8. I'm back at work today (Monday), so he gets his rest the next five days. He did go out this morning, I think he would have gone longer but it was slight rain (barely a drizzle) so he turned around after about a half-mile. Got two piles out though, so that's the important thing :-)
  9. Logan got in 11 miles over seven walks this weekend. Let's see how he's doing. He didn't move at all during the photoshoot :-)
  10. Hmm, which one has the better tearing technique? Petunia has those sharp pointy canines. But the Speaker has those opposable thumbs, a huge advantage...
  11. Not a question, just an FYI for anyone using the Firefox web browser. I use Firefox, and had noticed that some of the images were not showing up on the greytalk forums. Just fixed the problem now, as follows: There is a shield symbol at the far lefthand side of the URL box at the top. When viewing greytalk, click on that shield symbol and it brings up a pop-up box showing "Protections for forum.greytalk.com", and the first item below that header is "Enhanced Tracking Protection is ON for this site" with a toggle to the right of this text. Clicked on the toggle to turn the tracking protection to "OFF" for forum.greytalk.com, and now I see the images that were missing (may have to refresh the page). I think tracking protection is a new feature added in an update to Firefox around September 2019. I also brought up a couple other pages (not greytalk), and the tracking protection is still ON for those other pages, so apparently you can turn the tracking protection OFF only for those sites where you need to do so, without losing the benefit of tracking protection for all websites. Again, just an FYI in case you are experiencing this problem with Firefox. - Rob
  12. Logan likes walking, he got spoiled with seven miles yesterday and four miles (so far) today, all but a couple miles of that in the Cleveland and Lorain metroparks. But this "spoil your hound day" seems to be food oriented. He got cooked ground turkey in his breakfast yesterday and today, tuna (no salt added) in his dinner Saturday and (will) again tonight. ... Of course, he gets turkey in his breakfast every morning, and tuna every night, so not sure that counts :-) He did get almond milk last night, and probably will again tonight. But again, he gets that most nights...
  13. Dogs are pattern creatures. Once they get something "on the schedule", they get upset if it does not occur, especially if it is something fun like a walk. Not sure your schedule, but if feasible maybe try to get into a schedule of walking him first thing in the morning, before starting work. That way you have a fixed time that is less likely to have a conflict, and once he has gone for his walk he may be more settled down afterward. Of course, there are always rainy days when you just have to deal with the dog sulking...
  14. Happy tenth, Sweep! I notice she is in the same position in the photo as in the signature picture, except using different headrests :-)
  15. I agree completely that cellphone cameras are good enough for shots of dogs, people, etc. I have two greatly enlarged photos printed on something like 19x12" paper in my office, one each of Logan and Max. They were taken with my Galaxy S7 cellphone, and are so good you can see the individual hairs on both dogs, colors are perfect, etc. What kind of interests me is playing around with the less standard photography you can do with a DSLR. For example, you can do long exposures to allow for low light or night photography, set fast shutter speeds for freezing action, telephoto lenses for distance shots, get better close-ups of small stuff, things like that. Not sure whether I will really get into it, but since I have the camera already figure I might as well be using it.
  16. I've had a DSLR for a few years, never got around to learning to use it beyond the auto modes. So last weekend had had it out down in the park learning to use it in manual mode. This weekend was cloudy/threatening rain, so Logan was the unfortunate victim of my practicing. Rather than posting a bunch of pics, here is the smugmug album link. As you'll see, after a hard afternoon laying on the grass in the backyard, he had to crash on the couch for a while :-) https://m13.smugmug.com/Weekend-2019-Sept-28-29 Also, while browsing the memory card, ran across a few pictures from October 2016 (I guess the last time I used the camera), including this one of Max. He would have been just over 12 when this was taken. It perfectly shows his raised ears and attentive face. The paper plate in front of him would have had a smear of peanut butter, his favorite treat by far... Thanks for looking, Rob
  17. That is about the schedule (more like 10 am to 7 pm) that Logan has been on for six years now, got a dog sitter that just lets him out around noonish. He sometimes urinates at noon, but virtually never does a BM. We do walk about a mile in the morning before work, and an hour or two in the evening, and that is when he usually does his business. AFAIK he just sleeps all day.
  18. Congrats to you, Kate, & Petunia! Good news is you shouldn't have any trouble telling them apart :-)
  19. I had Logan and Max riding together in the back seat of a Chrysler 300 (the new, bigger sedan version) over about 3 years. What I initially did was fold the back seat down, but that leaves an opening into the trunk, which they would slide back into, so I filled that with some blankets. Still not the best, but then I just removed the back seat entirely (there are bolts that can be undone to do this), dropped a small bed mattress into the rather large space now left by removing the back seat entirely, and padded it up with blankets. Its about as good as a small minivan that way, but of course you no longer have a back seat (or rather, the back seat is in the attic rather than in the car :-) With only Logan now, he rides fine in the back seat of my current Ford Fusion (2016 model), without folding the seat down or removing it. I took a piece of carpet extra and tied it to the baby seat clasps at the top of the seat backs, and the carpet then droops down over the back and seat bottom of the backseat and has stayed nicely. But Logan is pretty easy, he gets in the back seat and immediately lays down most of the time. Basically, if you have only one dog you can almost surely make it work with a sedan. Two dogs, depends on how they ride and how well the get along.
  20. Reminds me of those nature documentaries, where they show feeder fish in the ocean. The big fish line up at the cleaner station, and the smaller cleaner fish do their thing.
  21. Are the "downing ears" where one ear tends to go horizontal and the other vertical? If so, Logan has that trait as well. Both ears go straight up if he is really excited or concentrating, but if he is attentive but more relaxed only the left ear goes up, the right ear is horizontal (so it would be opposite of Piper in your photo). Here is a shot showing it:
  22. Gable Logan is a great-grandson(dog?) of Gable Dodge, born April 7, 2010 and still going at 9 yo now. Didn't win as many races as great-grandpa, but still can do amazing stuff, like this headstand: (ok, maybe the shot was from above :-)
  23. Shouldn't you move the fan a bit? He isn't directly in the line of airflow :-)
  24. Thanks for the quick replies. I will go over the links this weekend. I tend to avoid x-rays (for myself or dogs) when possible, but if the vet recommends it will probably get that. My vet is not a greyhound specialist, but has been seeing Logan (and Max before that) for the whole time I have had them, and they seem to know the greyhound quirks. As far as I recall, this is the first time the vet has sent out a client base-wide email, so they do seem to be taking it seriously.
  25. I am late to the canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)-grain free food discussion, but my vet sent out an email yesterday advising all clients to switch off grain-free food, which led to me going over the threads on this here on GT and on the Internet. Logan was on Taste of the Wild, which is listed as number 3 on the number of DCM cases, so got a bag of IAMS green last night and switched him to it. He seems to like it better, and it is cheaper, so ok in that regard. Logan has his annual physical next week. Obviously my vet is on top of the DCM matter, but my question is this. Will the vet be able to determine if Logan has DCM at the physical? Is it detectable just using a stethescope, or is there a blood test, or whatnot? Is there any test I should ask for? Thanks in advance for any info, -- Rob
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