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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. It's not easy even when it's going as smoothly as it can. Hang in there.
  2. Trazodone or Tramadol? Either way, yeah, that can definitely make her feel off. Sweep didn't do well with gabapentin and Willa had bouts of panting that I suspect were also related to meds. No worries; you'll find the cocktail that works for her. Progress isn't always linear, but you guys are doing great by any measure!
  3. Phew! The ear is back. Still waiting for the leg.
  4. She lost a leg AND an ear. Plusalso, I posted this on the osteo thread but wanted to share here too. Last weekend, we met up with some local greyhound owners who found us on Instagram. They lost one boy to osteo last year, but they still have 5-year-old and 13.5-year-old (!) boys. Their dad took this video. Willa showed all those boys—including her brother—what's what.
  5. Mind? We'd be bugging you for them if you weren't posting them! We are all thrilled for you that everything's going so smoothly. And I bet you are feeling glad that you went ahead with the amp despite some (totally understandable) initial uncertainty.
  6. We have these for the siblings (total overkill for them) and I love the twist-open carabiner, reflective stripes, and padded (non-adjustable) handle. There are some negative reviews about the handle stitching, but we have not experienced any issues. My only complaint is that it's 5 feet, not 6.
  7. Aww, I remember Cole; he was adopted from our (now defunct) GPA group. Sounds like he lived a good, long life. Rest well, handsome boy.
  8. Aw, bad timing for your husband getting sick. Hope he feels better soon. But: Go, Amelia, go!
  9. Good girl, Gracie! Hoomans make the water smell funny, don't they?
  10. Not a dumb question! Here are pics from the maker. The strap along their back is reinforced so it functions like a really long handle.
  11. I hope Howie does well! Add me to the list of people who have used the cat version Solensia with success. Our cat is 15 and definitely has an easier time with the stairs now. The improvement was subtle after the first dose, but really apparent after the second. It does give her dry, scabby skin around her neck, which is weird but doesn't seem to bother her much. We administer it at home and are able to go longer than a month between doses.
  12. Excellent update! It sounds like she is doing great. Congrats on getting through the first night. Just checked and the harness is out for delivery. It has a soft handle basically the whole length of her back if she needs assistance getting up or when she squats to potty. That said, I doubt she's going to need it for long the way things are going!
  13. Yay! The fact that she is eating is a big hurdle you've already overcome. Don't be surprised if it takes her a few days to poop though.
  14. Sounds like it's all going as smoothly as it can. That ride home and the first time getting them in and out of the car are so challenging. She may be yelping because, hey, she lost a leg, or because the meds can make them feel loopy for a few days. I am sure she's much happier home with her people, and I bet you're glad to have her there too. How's Carmen?
  15. So glad everything went well. It sounds like you are very well prepared. Definitely try to get some sleep tonight...you will probably have some bumpy nights ahead, but just remember it's temporary! The harness is on its way, hopefully there Wednesday!
  16. Oh gosh, I hope they're not sending you dozens of emails. But yes, I am very happy with where she is!
  17. That's where we landed with both of ours—Sweep because she was so stressed and wouldn't walk or eat for them (when she saw us and our car, she suddenly figured it out, lol), and Willa because she was doing so well. It'll be okay either way. What amazes me is that some go home the same day!
  18. Have yoga mats or non-slip runners on any slick floors. Use towels and blankets on her beds that can be easily switched out and washed if she soils them (or even use pee pads as bed liners). Yes to lots of foods to tempt her. If antibiotics are prescribed, don't give them until she's eaten. Don't be surprised if Carmen is a little weirded out at first (Doolin was), but a good sniff and all will be well.
  19. It's the . They learn it as land sharks.
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