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Everything posted by MachosMom

  1. Macho and I just wanted to check in on you and Havok ... Hope all is well!
  2. Yay! Am hoping this kicks in and eliminates the seizures!
  3. Beautiful girl. Beauiful tribute.
  4. I dont have any advice, but i wanted to send support and hugs. Passion was so good to wake you up, and I agree that your calmess definitely helped. I know I wouldnt be that calm and focused... I will be checking for updates and hope Thunder can pull through and get on medicine ASAP to help. (((hugs)))
  5. How did I miss this???? Yays for Pinky too!!! I love happy news!
  6. YAY ! Happy news! Here is to many more happy months Symbra
  7. My sympathies and love. Run wild and crazy Angel!
  8. I dont have advice, just lots of hugs and support for you guys. Macho and I are rooting for Nube!
  9. Sending strength and prayers! This is so scary. I also hope you are at the vets now.
  10. I totally laughed out loud reading this!!! I think if we were in the pre cancer Macho days he would so go for this idea too!
  11. Hi everyone! Its been a bumpy weekend. FINALLY seeing some improvement. Had to jog to keep up with him on the evening walk, and he chewed on a bone! Leg is still swollen but that is slowly going down. (well as much as it can really). I hesitate to celebrate because I am afraid the next dip is around the corner, but one thing at a time, so I will celebrate the smile he gives me and trying to keep up with him for once! Tomorrow night he has his best greyhound buds coming to see him! That will help his spirits He has also decided that his meals must first be fed via hand and after a few bites eating from his special plate is okay. Whatever works is fine with me!! Thank you all for your support. We are finishing plans for when the dreaded day comes but are hopeful that we have many more days of hugging him still to come. Cherishing each moment, even when the back of my mind is scared that the next will be goodbye. Love him so much! (((hugs))) all around to all of you!
  12. Awww! Tristan you are a gorgeous greyhound flower! Nose kisses to you! Hoping as well all up hill from here.
  13. (((hugs))) for you and Tristan. Hopefully he will start to feel better now.
  14. MachosMom


    I an speechless. I feel like through the tribute I know Boozer. What an amazing boy! I am sure he is smiling down on you as he runs and explores his new digs. Love to you and your family.
  15. Many many hugs to you and your boy. If you need anything, just say so. I am so sorry and hope there are still many good days to come.
  16. Oh!!!!! Nube photos!!!!!! What a cutie! Love love love them! Hugs and nose kisses to you Nube! Such a cutie!
  17. Oh! Yeah! Pepcid! I completely meant to say thank you about that and forgot i am sorry! Thank you all for the support and advice.
  18. Thanks! We already have selected an in-home euthanasia vet. One of our friends has used her and loves her and says she makes the process so easy and calm. We know we want him to leave us in familir surroundings and also so our other dog and cat can say bye also. I already sent her our info so all we have to do now is just call. She is 24/7 because she knows you can't always plan for the time. I didnt think about the toy! Not sure what I want to send him with - a squeaky? A ball? Both? We are taking tons of photos and i think i will definitetely do the footprint. My partner is deciding on a memorial tattoo for our artist to do for her- but the footprint is a must!!! Thank you for the advice. It is no fun but you are right. It helps to have as much planned as possible so less to worry about. Hoping we pull through and have a bit more time, but who knows.
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