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Everything posted by MachosMom

  1. i am so sorry. Sending you love and strength.
  2. Yay for good news!!!! Go Gia! Go Lucy!!!
  3. Oh man! I dont have any suggestions for desensitizing him just lots of prayers and positive vibes for you and him. I know this is heart breaking and frustrating for you also.
  4. Yay!!!! I love happy news! I hope he is around and happy and silly for a long time too! Keep it up Nube!
  5. Checking in here... How is Tristan? How are you? Hoping for happy news!
  6. Oh no!! I am so sorry! Sending you strength and love.
  7. Pinky is so cute! Seeing her photos makes me smile. Hope everyone is doing okay... i keep you all in my thoughts and prayers daily.
  8. Phew! And thank you for the laugh! I, too, have never thought about doggie belly buttons... Hmmmmm... Glad all is ok though!
  9. I think she will pass with flying colors and am so excited for you!!!!!!
  10. Could you add my Macho man? I dont see him on here
  11. Yay!!! That is great news and he is so cute!
  12. Pinky photos! Smoochies to her sweet nosie.
  13. ((hugs to you both)) such a void they leave us.
  14. I agree with Jenbo on the week! Sooo excited for you!!!!
  15. OH I don't have words for the heart break. I didn't want to see this. I really just don't have words. I am so sorry.
  16. OH MY GOSH!!! Yay! I think you should! You can so be her strength and shower her with love and watch her personailty blossom. And what a pretty little thing she is! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!
  17. Greymom_chi - My heart goes out to you. You're in good company here. This is a horrible thing to go through, and all of us know exactly what you're feeling. There aren't many times that someone can say that and it be true. I don't have any advice for your question. I do however send love and support. If you need to vent, cry, anything, I'm here. I can't make the cancer go away, although I wish I could. I'd still have my Macho.
  18. i am so sorry. I love how the white of her face is shaped like the top part of a heart. Such a beautiful girl. Many prayers and strength to you and yours.
  19. Oh what a handsome boy!! I am so sorry he took his leave of you. Run free and have lots of fun Rousty.
  20. I am so sorry. I am glad it was a peaceful passing.
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