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Everything posted by MachosMom

  1. It comes down to a bit of balancing. Find ways to let him see his buddies, that also give you peace of mind. That's why Macho had his party a month ago. Everyone came to him, and he loved it. He couldn't go to a dog park, so they all came to him and it was a living room full of greyhounds and greyhound moms and dads. LOVED it, and so did he.
  2. I thought I had already posted here, but I guess in my own loss I have missed some things. Godspeed and may he be running crazy with my Macho. ((((hugs))))
  3. :( I am so sorry. That was a wonderful tribute and I am positive he is with his sister now. So sorry.
  4. I am very sorry. I hope my Macho is playing with him. Theyd get along fabulously.
  5. All I can offer is more hugs and support. I know how much you don't need this. Will keep following for updates and sending good vibes.
  6. Its so empty here. Yes I have another dog and a cat, but its just so empty. Its not right. He gave me so many smiles these last three days that I will always cherish, but this isnt right at all. The vet who came was lovely and just perfect for this crappy situation. So i am thankful for that. I miss him so much and in so many ways. There is no real preparing for the void left behind.
  7. Oh! You are close then! Neat! Maybe when life settles we can meet up.
  8. I love you. I miss you. I don't have fancy words like some - but my heart loved you just as strong. You left me today to start your next adventure. 4:45 pm your heart stopped, your pain was gone, and just like that you were away from me. A year ago this weekend we met. It was time to get our first greyhound. So off to the meet & greet we went. We'd been several times over the year, but it just wasn't time. Now it was. We had no idea if we'd meet our grey that day, but we had to go or we never would. There you were. Looking all buff and regal. You saw us, we saw you. Choirs sang and bells rang. It was love. We walked you around the store where you proceeded to be intrigued by the guinea pigs, and pick your own toy off the clearance shelf. At 80lbs you didn't seem to realize you couldn't fit ON the shelf where aquarium tanks were kept. The group coordinator was off delivering another girl to her new forever home..so we had to call and let him know we wanted you. He was going on vacation, so we'd have to wait. When we went to leave so you could go to your temporary home, you blocked our way. Where were we going without you? The next 2 weeks were long. I kept busy by asking questions of your foster mom and the coordinator, and getting everything ready. I got new bowls, made sure I had stuff set for you... waited to toy shop until we had you....my partner and I looked at your photos every day and talked about the things we'd do and where we'd go. Then you came home! Gosh how I remember that morning like it was yesterday. Saturday Sept 2, 2011. It was sunny and warm here in Florida. You went for a walk with our other boy, checked out our backyard and then in the house you went. HOME! HOME AT LAST! We had some bumps in the road as we learned to be good grey parents, and you taught us patiently all the way. Our shepard mix took a while to get use to you and we had to seperate you for a while, but that was ok. We had this. You even ignored our crazy cat. (Probably because she is crazy). We went lots of places, we did. Always zooming, always vrooming. Chuck-it balls were your fave, and the glow in the dark ones were AWESOME. Squeaky toys were fun, and the ones that quaked were even better. You were always up to meeting people and other animals. You even had your christmas photo with Santa and the Tampa Bay Lightning Girls! They loved you, just like all girls did. Gosh so much fun we had. Seeing you try new foods, or just be excited to go vroom vroom. You had a girlfriend. We still will see her. We will go visit her soon and give her hugs. Then the bad bad day. You had a limp. It didn't go away. Off to the vet you went. Xrays were taken. Osteosarcoma said they. NO! Not to you! You are 5! It can't be. But it was. We weighed all options, and began our fight. But the cancer just laughed. It took your zoom, then your long walks, then your ball playing....and finally it took you. Today we did have a bright spot.. we learned that your best friend, Jasper, is your half brother. Over the past year his mom and us were close and closer, and today we finally looked and yep, half brothers, no wonder you look alike. We will see him this weekend, and hope you smile down on us. I promised you we would finish Alice in Wonderland. We did. This morning. You had Arby's beef & cheddar last night, and today you had a oreo shake and burger. You gobbled those down. You went from us in my partners arms, resting comfortably. May you be running with the other hounds. I will sit in the dirt outside in the mornings, like we did at the end. Please come visit me often. I think I will start the Wizard Of Oz soon... so please come sit while I read. I hope we were the best parents you could have wanted, and I hope we made you proud. You made us proud every day and taught us so very much. You were always a true gentleman. Patient, and kind. Never demanding in a loud way, yet you knew you would always get your way just with your handsome face. I will miss that face - I already do. I will miss the smiles you gave us. I will miss exploring the world with you. I will miss .... you...every day. I love you Macho Man. You left too soon, but I don't regret having you for one second and would do it all over in a heart beat. Thank you for choosing us. I hope we did you proud. Run free, run fast, zoom often, and don't forget your downward facing doggie poses. Visit me, I will be waiting.
  9. Checking in here too and hoping for good news and answers. Lots of hugs being sent too.
  10. Yay!!!!!! Go Nubers!!!!! I hope he keeps on the up and up. You had me laughing at the pee cup and gave me a hilarious visual. Thank you for that laugh. I will remember that contraption should I ever need it with any other furkid. Hugs to you and nose kisses for Nube and Larry.
  11. Oh PHEW!!! Could you hear my sigh of relief from there? So glad to hear some good news! Keep it up Tristan! Kick this monsters butt!
  12. MachosMom

    Jc's Havok

    Nooooooooo!!!! I was hoping this was not true! My heart breaks even more. This disease is so horrible. I am in tears reading this as i am less than 48 hours away from sending Macho. Run wild and free Handsome Havok. If you could pause in the running to meet my boy thatd be lovely, ((((hugs)))))
  13. Thank you all. The appointment has been confirmed (I can't bare to call it anything else). Friday at 5 (Eastern) we will officially send our baby to the Rainbow Bridge and I feel like complete crap. I've tried to be strong so much today but have not been successful. Our group leader is coming by in a couple hours to say his farewell, and tomorrow we will have some other people and their greys come over to say farewell too. I don't know if I'm strong enough to get through this. :brokenheart I didn't think my heart could break into such tiny pieces.
  14. Thanks everyone. I dont think my heart has ever hurt so much from the loss of a furkid. Maybe it has and Ive forgotten how bad it feels. He has people coming tomorrow and Thursday to say their farewells and give him hugs so although we will try to stop crying, i know there will be a ton of tears here forward. Sept 2 would have been his first gotcha day also. :( I promised him we would finish the book and tears or not we will.
  15. Update.... It looks like will be saying goodbye this weekend. My heart is in pieces. Im going to miss him so much but cant make him go on like this.
  16. Not much to report with Macho. It's been a bit more bad than good. My partner brought up the quality of life talk last night. First time she's done that. (Usually it's I who start it). He's seeming to be a bit depressed, and tired. During our talk last night, he turned his head and looked at me as if to say "It's okay mom, I understand" (tearing up as I write this, goodness!). I am not sure if we are there yet or not, but I know we are getting close, and that breaks my heart into a million pieces (yep, here go the tears... flood gates have opened). Although part of me wants to be at the end so I know he will no longer be in ANY pain and will be running free and playing with tennis balls and exploring everything and anything... I'm heart broken that we may not even make it to his first gotcha day (Sept 2). Sorry for being such a downer every time I post it seems. And sorry for not posting much. I'm reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to him, he seems to like that at least. When I look at him all I can think of is how much I will miss him.
  17. I'm so sorry to hear this. Run wild and free Star, you were very pretty and I am sure you are looking down on your family with love.
  18. That is the most beautiful tribute. I have tears for how true it all is and have a feeling I will be reading this again soon when I must part ways with my Macho. Thank you for such amazing words... They truely discribe the feelings.
  19. Aw! Pinky looks like she had an amazing time! She is so cute!
  20. Yay, Ben!!!! To give a short update on Macho - the leg with the tumor is still swollen. Has not gotten any worse but has not gone down either. He is in good spirits, but the shortest walk tires him out. We are taking it a day at a time, well moment to moment. He does not want to go on walks with my shepard mix, I get the feeling its because he knows he can't go as far. That's ok. Just means more Macho only walks . Hope everyone going through this path is doing well!
  21. So sorry, my heart goes out to you. Patrick sounds like he was an amazing boy.
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