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Everything posted by schultzlc

  1. Oh my goodness, your poor guy, the photo just breaks my heart. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I'm so glad there was a positive outcome for your Stretch!
  2. Eek, your poor boy! I hope his new meds do the trick.
  3. Hello and welcome to GT! Your Colt Bravo is stunning. I too have a very shy hound (not from GPAN, but that's the area we live in now), and understand some of the challenges that come with it. But, at the same time, never has there been a more rewarding experience than gaining her trust.
  4. I am very sorry for the loss of your Mercy.
  5. Sending good thoughts for you and for Mango. Old dogs are the best dogs, but man, is it tough. While we know there may be hard days ahead, I hope there are some good days as well.
  6. A double-dipped chip! Congratulations to all of you, you have a gorgeous black pack!
  7. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Lulu.
  8. Oh no. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Andy.
  9. Welcome to GT! Deacon is very handsome!
  10. I am very sorry for the loss of your lovely girl.
  11. Check out this thread! http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/310626-olewo-carrots-how-much-to-order/?hl=olewo
  12. I'm so happy to read that her x-rays were clean! Keep up the good health, pretty Sweep!
  13. Best of luck on your move! I know that cross-country moves are exciting and nerve-wracking times, but you will find that your hounds will adapt well to your new surroundings. In regards to the stairs, I moved from a one story house to a third floor apartment, and now to a two story townhouse. Back, before I moved to TN, and was living in the one story house, I was able to foster some hounds (read: my landlord there was awesome). I wanted to make sure that my fosters had the opportunity to learn to use stairs, so I went in search of a public place with a decently long staircase. For me, this place was the university campus where I taught. We would go early on a weekend morning when students are scarce, and walk up and down the stairs. Each hound learned fairly quickly. Again, I wish you the best as you embark on this journey!
  14. Congratulations! I hope your adoption process goes smoothly.
  15. Welcome to GT and congratulations on adopting Gus! It sounds like he's made himself comfortable in his new surroundings. Greyhounds are definitely unique, and I am fairly bemused by their ability to keep up their physique while moving so little. One of my girls is busier than the other. She plays with toys, causes mischief, and needs a daily walk. My busy girl still sleeps about 18-20 hours each day. The younger of my two girls has taken her retirement very seriously. She rarely plays and couldn't care less if we just quit walking all together. She is horizontal for at least 22 hours every day. Enjoy your new boy! It is a lot of fun to watch a new greyhound's personality develop during the first few months.
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