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Everything posted by IansMom

  1. I don't know anything about this issue, but what a handsome boy!
  2. Ian also had a toe amputated. It didn't bother him after the amp for a couple of years. He has recently started limping from time to time and holding it up as well. We had it xrayed and everything is fine. I hope the same is the case for Jovie. Hugs to you both!
  3. I'm so very sorry for your loss. She was such a pretty and special girl.
  4. Sorry, I forgot to mention the bride or whatever it is has not gotten larger (I marked it with sharpie) amd there are no additional discolored areas. I'm glad Buca is doing well!
  5. Sorry for the delay in updating….things have gotten a little crazy around here, and by crazy, I mean a sewer line has been destroyed by tree roots and has to be replaced, but not before removing the tree-ugh! The never-ending joys of home ownership. I am posting Ian's blood work. It doesn't look like they did a clotting test. I looked at his previous CBC records from our previous vet and there isn't a whole lot that's different, so I feel a little better. I'm leaning toward it's just a bruise. See results below, and again, thanks!
  6. I'm not sure if they did a clotting test. I will find out tomorrow. I'm going to get all blood work results from the clinic tomorrow and plan on sending them to his vet in Houston along with the pictures. We have the utmost confidence in Dr. Miller, who is his vet in Houston, so I'm hoping he will have some insight into the matter. I will post the blood work as soon as I get it tomorrow. There is a whole lot about relocating that just sucks, but all of the issues surrounding Ian, Bella, and Petey (vet, boarding, day care) are the worst and most significant.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful boy and looks like he was just so sweet. You have my deepest sympathy.
  8. Hi all, I noticed a pretty large area on Ian's leg today that looks very similar to the bruising he gets after a blood draw. It's really red and looks like he is bleeding under his skin. I have no idea what caused this. I know for sure that he didn't hurt himself in the yard or anything like that. I took him to the vet (a new one since we just moved). She said she was familiar with differences in greyhound bloodwork, citing thyroid levels. However, she said his platelets were low (138k). Per Dr. Suzanne Stack, normal for greyhounds is 80-200 (k) so I'm thinking this vet is not as greyhound savvy as she thinks, unless I'm missing something which is totally possible. She said white blood cells are low too. Tested him for lyme disease and ehrlicia, both of which were negative. She wants to recheck in a week. In the meantime, she gave me steroids and doxycycline. If I understood correctly, the cause could be "immune mediated." I am posting pictures. I welcome any insight and suggestions. Thank you!
  9. I'm so sorry that you are going through this with Maya. Poor little girl. I'm sure you know she is in the best possible hands with Dr. Miller. Will say a prayer for Maya and for your family.
  10. Oh no, not Seamie! I haven't been a greytalk for more than just a couple of weeks, so I just saw this. I'm so sorry he had to go. He was such a special boy. I'm just so sorry.
  11. This happened to Ian. We started using a velvet collar and it seemed to help. I hope this helps-good luck with Daisy!
  12. How exciting for you! We have 2 greyhounds and a whippet. It's funny to watch Petey (whippet) and Bella (6 year old greyhound)…sometimes she acts like she just tolerates him and sometimes she loves playing with him. It's also very funny to see Petey following our 2 greys because it just looks like he's following them saying "Guys, guys, wanna play? I wanna play. Do you like to play? Can I go play with you? guys, guys……" Good luck! I'm sure they will be great together-just get the right match!
  13. I'm so sorry for the loss of your special baby girl. She was so beautiful.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  15. I hesitate to give my thoughts on the dental/anesthesia thing b/c I know how you feel. Ian has had several dentals bc he has such BAD BAD teeth and I'm a nervous wreck every time. We love our vet and he loves Ian. He actually came to our house to get Ian out of the car for me after one of his dentals. I picked him up at 4 and he still wouldn't get out of the car at 7:30. That was the only time anything out of the ordinary happened relative to a procedure. I have no experience with cancer in our babies (thank God!) so I won't offer an opinion. Congratulations to Twiggy for being 2.5 yrs post-osteo!
  16. what a handsome boy! sometimes failure is a really good thing! congratulations!
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your husband were blessed to have him and he was blessed to have you! Hugs to you both.
  18. My heart goes out to you. He looks like such a sweet boy. I'm sorry for your loss.
  19. I'm so sorry. She sounds like such a special girl and she had such a special mommy and daddy.
  20. He's soooooooooooo handsome! Congratulations!
  21. Congratulations! There are lots of people on here with years of experience with LBGs (little greyhound babies as we lovingly refer to them) and they have lots of greyt insight and advice. Can't wait to see pictures!
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