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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Hi All,


    Please allow me to post a tribute to sweet Allie who belonged to a wonderful couple, the Browns. First, I need to tell you about them. They adopted their older hound, Bert, who will 13 in a few weeks when he was 9. Each time I see him, even though he is an aging senior, he actually looks improved. And, without question, it is due to the love and compassion that these two people have. Bert became one of the favorites with the local group - and the Brown's were revered for the great work they did with him.


    Some time later, the group had a bounce named Allie show up. Allie had lost part of her tail. Apparently after an injury, her former owners thought that a little duct tape would do the trick to hold her tail together rather than seeking veterinary care. Additionally, she had frequent in-house urination issues. She wasn't going to be easy to place.....but because of her wonderful sweet nature, the adoption coordinator was determined to find her a good home.....so they called the Browns.


    It took some time, and despite living on the third floor of a multi-family home, Deb and Al were able to teach Allie how to wait until she was outside to pee. Allie was particularly attached to Al. She really was Daddy's girl.


    And dear Bert took right away to having a little sister and providing her with the security and comfort she needed to adapt to her wonderful new family.


    Allie had a smile that would light up a room....a big toothy grin with her lip drawn back showing off her choppers to the gum! That smile brought a smile to all of us!


    Today I received an email that Allie had passed at the young age of eight. I did not even realize she had been sick - as we saw each other for Christmas photos this year and she looked wonderful. All I know is that she went very quickly (fine at 9:00 and gone by midnight) from what they believe to be cancer.


    I'm posting a few pictures of this beautiful soul who was taken from us far too soon.....may she run free at the bridge...





    Here is Allie on the right with her big brother, Bert.


  2. Sending good thoughts to you and your excellent patient, Elsie! She looks like the sweetest girl.


    Could the vet have mentioned a histiocytoma/button tumor? Greyhounds get them quite frequently, they are totally benign, and their cytology/histopath results can sometimes be hard to distinguish from that of a mast cell tumor. Hoping everything resolves itself!




    Yes, that could be it. Amazing how the brain cells when becoming overloaded purge things!!! Thanks!


    Yes....and even more amazing how controlled we can keep those cells until it's one of our babies involved.


    Our EZ had a tumor from his leg removed almost four years go...he is now 11.5 years old. I don't recall the specific type - but basically a soft tissue cancer. It looks like there may be some preliminary regrowth (though it could also be scar tissue according to the vet) in the same location.....but they said the speed of growth is very slow...which surprised me because the initial lump showed up just about overnight.


    Many prayers for something curable like that...and even more prayers for it to be B9.

  3. Wonderful news.....sounds like things are working out well.


    Just remember, particularly with young humans around, don't relax on the sleep space stuff. There is nothing more unfortunate than an accident that happens when a hound really isn't intending to hurt anyone, but is having a natural reaction resulting from the fact that they have been raised to sleep alone. They are all very individual with this. I can crawl all over Dustin while he's sleeping and he crawls all over me....but my JJ who is an absolute love when awake, needs his space when he sleeps.....


    Best of luck!



  4. Since those sound similar enough to the opening moves of bloat, I would worry (being a worry-wort) that he might be building towards that. Maybe he has a tendency towards making extra gas, which could contribute?


    If the vet doesn't find anything, you might want to consider going over his food with a fine-tooth comb, and eliminate grains and soy. Oh, and dirt, socks and washcloths! ;)


    Parituclarly given that after he walks a bit it seems to get better...it does sound like a gas build up of some sort....the other concern...I don't know if it's true for hounds, but I know with horses, eating sand/dirt can cause sand colic....basically too much sand begins to create a blockage....I'm wondering if he has a small blockage developing and is getting cramps as the stools try to pass......It may not be significant enough yet to cause vomiting or diarreah....just a thought...but I would be sure to mention the dirt eating to the vet.


    My boy at the bridge, Jack, used to eat my hair scrunchies. I found out the hard way when I saw him vomit and then eat the thing back down....I have no idea how long it was in there, but in that case, I had noticed diareeah for two days....in your case, you haven't seen anything like that.....that's why I'm thinking more of the slow build up of dirt/sand.

  5. That is how our walks have been....including an attack on JJ that ended with punctures. Now, he is completely aggitated and looks ferocious when he sees other dogs...though if they charge up to him, he gets quiet and stands there in a panic. Of course there were the young labs who came over to play and paniced Dustin who slipped his collar and took off......I can't even begin to describe that feeling watching my boy run-off. So now, Dustin has to wear a harness and martingale...not because he needs it, but because I never know what's lurking.


    I am particularly irritated by people who carry the leash in their hands. One neighbor uses a flexileash with her dog....OK, fine....but then why do you feel the need to take the leash off the dog??? Wasn't that the point of the flexi? Or the other neighbor who uses a flexi and just lets her dog come bombing over to my two (and sometimes three) boys? I guess that is better than the ones with no leash at all.


    A friend at work just had his small dog attacked by an Akita who jumped out of a car window, launched at his little dog, and picked it up in her jaws and shook him.


    Unbelievable. Walking ones dog should be a pleasure - but I always feel like it's more of an obstacle course.....

  6. Is he pooping ok? If there is a blockage then he wouldn't be able to poop much (or at all)


    Pooping fine...nice healthy bouncy poos for the past few days! When Jack ate the scrunchies, he had some diarreah along with the vomiting. JJ's poo patterns seem OK. Though..he didn't go tonight yet - but he did have a healthy poo at 12:00 this afternoon. I would expect another one when they get their late night dinner in an hour (though I think he will only get a tiny bit).

  7. Frank has eaten lots of things he shouldnt have. I have gone through what you described many times. Objects that wont digest will usually stay in the stomach and be thrown up at some later point. Its much better that they do this because if it makes its way to the intestines, there is a real possibility of a blockage occuring. I would just keep an eye on him and make sure he is pooping ok.


    That is just what I am hoping....and I am just keeping my fingers crossed that it is just coincidence that it happened twice within a few days. That stale calzone piece was actually as hard as the platic from the toy....Since the vomiting two days ago, his poo has been perfectly normal.



  8. Hi All,




    I know this is probably dog ownership 101, but I can never think clearly when it's my own hounds!


    JJ threw up for no apparent reason about two days ago. He had eaten a very hard crust from a piece of calzone that he grabbed from the fridge. When he threw up - it was about 10 minutes after dinner and those hard pieces were in it though he had eaten them a few hours earlier.



    Tonight he threw up and I saw a few pieces of hard plastic from a chew toy he had eaten.


    Could those "hard" things that he might have trouble passing have caused the vomiting? He is not a hound who usually gets sick, so he has me a bit worried. I also don't know if that first time he had a few pieces of the chew toy in him as well because by the time I heard him getting sick he was .....well...cleaning up his little mess - so he might have eaten some of it back up.


    He did run a little in the yard after he ate.....I let him out and they started doing zoomies...I stopped him quickly as I worry about him running after he eats....but I don't think that's the problem as he had not been running the other day before he got sick.


    His appetite is fine....immediately after throwing up, I let him out for a minute and when he came back in, he wanted a treat.


    Thoughts on the fact that he has thrown up twice in two or three days? I looked around for places where he might have thrown up when I wasn't home - but I don't see any mysterious spots anywhere.

  9. If he is licking his pads a lot, be sure to check them. If he just came home to you, and you are walking him on the streets, his pads may be a bit irritated.


    Otherwise, I wouldn't worry unless he starts looking a bit compulsive about it.

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