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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. You will know when your hound can't take any more. It is clearly in their eyes...and you will have a sense....Does Ave still eat decently? Does he go potty? Does he wag his tail.....overall, general quality of life.


    EZ had a soft-tissue sarcoma removed in 2008. The vet said it was slow growing - with a moderate risk of recurrence and most likely at the same site. Recently, I noticed that the area where their had been scar tissue seems a little thicker than usual...possibly coming back. Given the rate of growth, his advanced age (now 11) and a serious heart murmer, we have decided to just watch it.



    He right now gets so stressed at the vet, that I don't even really want to do a biopsy....but for now, his quality of life is good, and DH (EZ is his daddiman's boy) does not want to risk surgery. If I could get him to do the biopsy, I would consider the chemo.....but at this point, I wouldn't do the surgery.


    But everyone and every hound is different.


    Look into your own heart and your hound's eyes.....


    Hugs and well-wishes....

  2. All the good wishes we can muster for our friend Lila!


    This is so unnecessary and infuriating...JJ was attacked once and Dustin got chased by friendly puppies - but he didn't know that and slipped his collar and took off. It is a horrible feeling and you feel so helpless.



    Some days it feels like you are the subject of target practice out walking.


    But of most immediate importance is the health of you sweet girl.....Hugs to all involved.

  3. Hi Kyle...


    Our EZ has a significant heart murmer and is on meds for it. He sometimes hacks. As far as labored breathing, he pants heavily when he gets home from the ride from New York to Rhode Island - and we have noticed it a bit more pronounced the past several months. We have not had the type of dramatic onset that you have witnessed.


    My best wishes and thoughts are with you. One caution - and I'm sure your greyhound vet will touch base with you about it....the sedation is far more dangerous for a dog with a murmer.....though the cardiologist would be exactly the person you would want there if he does need any type of anesthesia.


    Good thoughts....

  4. She's beautiful. If she hasn't been used to walking, you will want to build her up a bit before you go for extremely long walks.


    Depending on if she is at all spooky, you might want to use a harness and martingale collar. I feel much more confident doing that. It was not my habit in the past, but my Dustin slipped his collar once - and there was no worse feeling in the world than to see him off running...

  5. Do you still have the Yorkies? I only ask to be sure that the grey you are getting is OK w/small dogs...though your adoption group probably would chat with you about that.


    As far as how long they live....it ranges....we have a wonderful 11 year old....but I lost my Jack at five.


    As far as exercise...walking is their favorite. I have a small fenced yard that they like to do zoomies in....but our old boy and my boy at the bridge preferred walking to even that. Be careful of the rollerblading, etc. They are not endurance dogs. They have speed - but are sprinters and tire easily. They are particularly sensitive to heat and extreme cold. If walking is what you want to do, then the eight-year old girl would probably be perfect!



    Best of luck!

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was beautiful. What a wonderful last photograph to have.....He clearly lived his life fully and with joy right up until the end....that photograph is evidence of that.

  7. My two young boys where collars and harnesses. The harnes on Dustin is because he slipped a maringale once....and I just kept the collar as added protection. JJ where's both because he is non-grey reactive and having the two allow me control. In Dustin's case, I use the leash with attachment that hooks to both. For JJ, I actually use two separate leashes.



    If you are worried about an escape or spook, I would recomment both.

  8. We had so many problems with EZ with loose poo. He went onto a prescription IAMS low residue, but it wasn't a great food - and when they had a recall, we were forced to switch for a while. We put him on Natural Balance Sweet Potato and salmon. He is doing well on it and has been on it for about two years. He does pee often - but he is 11 and I'm sure there may be some other issues going on.


    On top of it, he is extraordinarily picky....and though we still have to add everything but the kitchen sink to it, he does like it as well/better than others we have tried.



    Best of luck!

  9. EZ has had them from the day we got him. I think they are little cysts. If I catch them early enough, or they have a bit of a crusty top that I can scratch off, I can usually pop them. Sometimes they just get too big. Usually those eventually go away.


    I would imagine an embedded tic would cause discomfort....but I'm in no way an expert on that.



    Good luck....and don't worry about being a worried greyhound papa!!

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