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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. My dogs are alone during the day while I work...it's not a problem.


    You mentioned dog parks...some greys do awesome at them. Just be aware that the park does not allow small breeds to play with large breeds. We had a grey in RI that grabbed a little white fluffy dog and killed it....Treated it like a toy.... It was a horrible situation for the little dog - and ultimately the grey.


    Also, if the dog is even the slightest bit spooky (and the adoption group should know that), you might want to walk with a harness. I use a martingale harness and collar on mine when we walk - as the collar gives you control, but the harness protects them if they manage to wiggle those narrow heads out of the collar.


    Your lifestyle/apartment and quiet home may make a wonderful environment for a quiet, more mature hound. I definately see the difference in the ones that I have gotten at two or three years vs. the five year olds.


    Also, I'm not sure that I agree that the racing ones are more difficult. Our most laid-back and easy going one is also the one that was the most successful at the track!


    Good luck!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you are looking to adopt again. As I said in my earlier post, the emptiness in my house was beyond what I could live with. Initially, when I talked to people, I said that I felt like I wasn't honoring Jack by adopting right away....but as my dearest friend pointed out, waiting would not bring Jack back - and would only prolong my hurt (something Jack would never have wanted)....and why not open my home to another hound who needs a forever place.... So out I went and brought home the two boyz.....


    Also, so many of us understand about getting the ashes home. I felt a bit of peace providing Jack with his final resting place right beside my bed.


    Please keep us apprised of your search for another hound......There is an introductory thread and a few others where we all look and would be thrilled to see that you have honored Mighty's memory - and all the things he taught you about hounds - by bringing a new one into your life.

  3. This story just made me leak.... While the stories of the loss of beloved hounds that we read here are heartwrenching, we all take comfort in knowing that our hounds knew how loved they were.....and when I read about a dog who was not appreciated in the way that dogs deserve to be, it is just heartbreaking. That being said, thanks to you, beautiful LJ did have the joy of knowing love - despite the fact that it wasn't from his own family. He had one of those sweet gentle scent hound faces....bless his heart.....

  4. the best way to honor Mighty will be to adopt another Greyhound.


    When I lost my Henry, I had a hard time thinking about adopting a new hound. A friend told me that Henry would want me to help another dog, and that helped me a lot. I am sure Mighty would want the same for you.



    Same situation here. I was spiraling downward after Jack...and a friend asked me what I was waiting for....as she said, waiting won't bring him back and it is what he would want....So yes, when you are ready, getting a grey is truly the best way to honor all that Mighty brought into your life.

  5. Thank you for sharing Mighty with us....and for giving him a loving and wonderful life.


    Please know that we all understand the grief that you feel....and all of the other emotions swirling in your head and heart. Your hound knew he was loved and that's truly all that matters.....


    Please stay in touch with us here on GT....I started posting right after losing my Jack....and the support and words here were immensely helpful.

  6. Sherrie, I can't even express how sorry I am for you. Izzy was a beautiful baby....and I know what a part of your healing after the loss of Kendra he was.


    You gave him a wonderful life of travel and adventure....and love.


    May you find comfort in the memories of this baby who was taken from you far too soon....

  7. I am so sorry your Sweet William had to leave you. He looks supremely content and happy in his photos. What a wonderful forever home you gave him.




    Yes......How happy he looked! He was blessed to have found you...and I am sure, you were equally as blessed to have had the pleasure of such a kind soul in your life....


    Many thoughts for you to find comfort in your memories of him.

  8. JJ is very leash reactive. (Though, when a neighbors dog got loose and ran after us and bit JJ aggressively on the leg, he wouldn't fight back.) However, I would not want to take the chance that he would grab hard.....


    My biggest advice is to be extremely cautious as you are attempting to socialize him. Others with more experience could give you ideas.


    To make every effort to avoid disaster, my hounds are walked with a collar and harness. One of the leashes is tethered to the belt loop of my jeans (the one for the harness, as the collar leash is really the controlling one as it pulls on the martingale).


    Best of luck with your new baby!

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