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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. My Dustin is leash shy for potty......fortunately we have a fence, but when my husband was repairing it, it was a disaster...I actually took him to a vacant home in the neighborhood and used that fenced in yard!! However, when I have had situations where I have had to get him to go on a leash, he can do it after extensive walking - and total desperation to go. I try to let him go to the end of the leash (but be careful not too far in case he bolts and you have nothing to grab).


    We don't use crates (not opposed, just don't choose to), so my suggestion is to not give him access to privacy (despite his good boy efforts to go on a washable rug). If he comes in and starts sniffing, just get him right back outside.


    Sounds like you are right...with lavish praise after one or two leach pottys I'm sure he'll learn


    As far as runny stool - you will read a lot of threads here about diarreah and loose stool. Sometimes it takes a few shots in different foods to find one that work. Stress will also make it loose. When I have gotten Dustin to finally go on a leash, it is usually loose, because he has stressed himself out so much about the leash, that this is what he ends up with...poor fellow.


    Best of luck with your new baby! Welcome to a wonderful world of greyhounds!


    By the way...I always use a harness...just FYI. Learned the hard way when one slipped a collar. We use a harness and leash at once.

  2. I'm kind of interested in Q10, but does anyone know where it is sourced from? In other words, where do they get this stuff?


    I believe that it is found in fish.


    My old horse was on it for the last few years nof his life for a heart murmer. It did wonders. There is a brand that has powder filled clear colored capsules.....those didn't have paprika in them.


    One caution....I believe that if you plan on stopping CoQ10 at any point, you need to do it carefully. Apparently you can start it quickly, but the system almost learns to "depend" on it for heart health....so you just might want to keep that in your mind.

  3. EZ is very finicky....and much more interested in food when he is home in Rhode Island with JJ and Dustin - both of whom stare at him and drool once they finish their meals! At his house, alone in New York, EZ will leave his food, etc. Here, it's like he knows I can't leave it out or else the other two will eat it (and I probably should include the cat in that ....I mean eating the food - not being eaten :lol ).

  4. Miss Janet.....loss is always so difficult - but with the young ones, the pain strikes in an indescribable way......



    My heart breaks for you, but I applaud your desire for this to be a thread of happy memories and joy that your baby girl brought into your life.


    I wish I had the chance to meet your beautiful girl...





  5. Welcome!!! Some of them are very finicky eaters. If she just came from the track, she is probably used to a raw meat diet. Some of them are just picky about kibble. Our EZ has always been. Apparently he came from one of those kennels that did a nightly stew for their hounds. Seven years later, as he approaches his twelfth birthday, we still battle the food fight. Mix ins, add ins, etc. are necessary. Riverhound metioned honey - our EZ loves Maple Syrup! Shredded cheese does work really well also. But we have to be creative...too many nights in a row of the same thing and he gets bored!



    Just be careful and keep an eye out for diarreah/loose stool. You need to watch closely to be sure that none of these addins impact her negatively! Good luck and keep us posted!

  6. I'd say have him checked for worms, though testing can miss them if they're not in a detectable part of their cycle. The "sneezing" concerns me too. Is it similar to the infamous "backward sneeze"? Because greys with hookworms that have migrated to the lungs do a rapid coughing-up-and-swallowing that looks like that (backward sneeze) but isn't sneezing at all. A regulation course of Panacur might be good to do. Good luck and welcome to GT!


    That's what I was thinking.....

  7. Hmmm....when my Dustin's tummy is bad (with colitis situation, etc.) his appetite goes and there is eventually blood in the stool.


    This does sound different. The sneezing is a little disconcerting....that might trigger me to take him to the vet given that it's in conjunction with the tummy issues.


    Other may know better, but I wonder about a parasite?....or possibly some type of flu virus. Do you know if he has an elevated temp?


    Please let us know how you make out!

  8. Do you give them automatically once a month? Can he ever go longer in between?


    On some level we know that this tooth issue may force us to make a decision at some point - but husband (whose hound this really is....:rolleyes: ) will not hear of surgery with that murmer. His attitude is that he doesn't want the decision made for us if he is still vibrant and happy.



    What is he doing that makes you think he is in pain? Our EZ is a horrible eater (always has been to some degree), but when his teeth are beginning to bother him it gets worse. We have bought him a narrow, deep, oval bowl, and that seems to help....

  9. Our 11 year old EZ had 17 teeth removed when he was eight. Now the other teeth are a mess....but he has a heart murmer. He's on some meds for it. We will not do the dental. Our vet says it "could" be done, but he would not do it himself - and would only have it done at a veterinary hospital with a heart specialist on hand during the anesthesia. That sounds way to risky for us....so we use antibiotics as needed...not gotten to the point of once per month...more like once every two or three months when he gets an infection....but our feeling is if his tooth issues shorten his life by a few months somewhere down the road, it's better than taking the risk on ending it now while he still has a nice quality of life.



    Best wishes to you as you make this decision.

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