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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. That must be where all our snow has come from -- she has found the TP cabinet in heaven. :wub:






    Godspeed, Sweet Girl. Not only did you bring joy to your Mama, you clearly opened up a little boy's world so that he would know the love of a hound. What a beautiful gift to have given....

  2. Gretchen Jackson, owner of Barbaro, said "Grief is the price we all pay for love."


    It is a price worth paying, though, for all the joy that they bring us.......but it's so hard to see that when we lose them.

  3. Thank you for taking in Jimmy and making him part of the pack. Even though his time with you was short, I'm sure that he knew how much he was loved. I'm so sorry that he had to leave.


    Run-free Jimmy! f_yellow



    Couldn't say it any better.....



    I'm so sorry for you.

  4. Oh....I am so sorry for the loss of Kitty particularly on the same date as Guinesses passing.



    And, I wish you peace and comfort as you reflect on Guinesses' wonderful life.

  5. She's adorable. I got my Dustin at 24 months...three races...last, last, second to last....total lengths lost by....53! :lol As a trainer on this site said....He won the most important race....the one to your couch. He is my big snuggle bug.....

  6. I have one of the harnesses that chillidog recommended....they are great! My JJ is a boisterous bouncy big boy who was just three and just weeks off the track when I got him! He still jumps, leaps and bounds around 18 months later. I use a harness and martingale collar with him with two separate leashes. I use a coupler leash with both for my Dustin who does not tug on me (harness for him is just for safety if he slips the collar). For JJ, I tether one leash (the one to my harness) to my belt buckle (be sure that both you and your jeans are strong enough to withstand a good yank) and hold a portion of it in my hand as well and then hold the other leash on his coller with the same hand and use that for control when necessary. I do that so that I don't always have the collar pulled tight....I can walk him effectively from the harness leash and use the collar leash to control him when he's bouncy.


    Also be careful getting him in and out of cars.


    Funny, though, I was just thinking this morning of how much his joy for life makes me smile.....


    Best wishes!

  7. Congratulations...what a wonderful story....


    By the way, I still leave my two boys muzzled when I'm not home. JJ is a bit aggressive with the cat (and he can get Dustin caught up int he moment), and even though they adore each other, I eliminate any concern this way of them getting snarky when i'm not there.....So don't feel bad, if you err on the side of caution!


    Good luck with these babies! How wonderful that you "did the right" thing by your first boy by bringing a second hound in.

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