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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. As long as it was a soft plastic he should be OK....I would watch him for 24-48 hours...if he vomits (other than vomiting up the darn thing) or had changes in his poo patterns, I would call the vet.....


    By the way....JJ has eaten a few remote controls....so you may have musical farts and I am convinced that if my hound burps, the channel on the TV might change!

  2. Oh, Shelley, your tribute and stunningly beautiful picture brought tears to my eyes. Both perfectly capture the one in a million love you shared, especially these words:

    "There is just something special about a dog whose world truly revolves around you, who wants you never to be cross with him, and who loves you more than life itself. Jack was this dog."

    No wonder you have a humongous empty space in your home and heart.

    I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jack.



    There's nothing else I can say that was not said in the quote above.......I, too, have tears....

  3. Put a big comfy bed in your room for him with lots of blankets.....bring yummy treats, etc. But if all else fails, you may want to go sleep whereever he is.


    As I said, my Jack chose to confine himself to the kitchen for days and would run out of the bedroom right back to the kitchen....so guess where I slept for a few hours a night?? Yup on the tile in the kitchen! I would do a few hours with him, just so he could bond. He then on his own would move around the house and select where he was happy - which ended up being on my bed....


    Keep us posted.

  4. My boys aren't crated, but they are muzzled. If you are concerned about him getting into stuff...and eating/chewing things he shouldn't, the muzzle isn't a bad option. Just make sure there is NO poopguard - so if he vomits or something, he doesn't choke.



    Don't feel guilty about working all day. Many of our hounds on this site are left for several hours....we have to earn their bikkie money after all!!! :rolleyes:

  5. Hi Samm,


    Don't worry too much...they do come out of their shells. I slept on the kitchen floor with Jack the first three nights. He was terrified to leave that area. He eventually became my shadow.


    MaryJane is correct...walking does wonders. but please use a harness. My somewhat spooky Dustin slipped a martingale not long after I got him. ....a terrifying experience. I use both a collar and harness on both of my hounds with two leashes on JJ and one leash with a coupler on Dustin. JJ needs the extra control....Dustin just needs the backup in case he spooks.



    Again, just let this run it's course. And remember, some greyhounds just tend to be very reserved. It doesn't mean that they are not happy or that they do not love you...


    Good luck!

  6. Yup...Dustin had the same advantage.....Miss Diane as Secret Santa...so we finally tried them around here!!! YUM!!! My Dustin has a horribly delicate belly.....blood issues, etc...so I gave him only one the first day and two today....He is handling them!


    They look delicious.....I wouldn't place odds on when I will try them myself.

  7. What everyone else said.....


    Before I had the two boys I that I have now, I had my boy Jack. At the time, my job was a pretty long drive away...so I couldn't even get home for lunch....he spent very long days alone - with an occasional visit from my parents to let him out on some days. When I got home we would do an extremely long walk....and any errands I went on, I tossed him in the Explorer with me. But when we were home, he would simply lay around and watch what I was doing. (And by the way, all of mine do the occasional whine.). As far as loving you and being happy....my Jack was extraordinarily protective of me an hugely attached.



    We would all love to be with our kids all day - but frankly (and I know because I spy on them with a camera) all they do is sleep when we are not home.


    As far as the overall personality - with these hounds, six months is not a long time for a personality to develop. Some greys take a little longer than others to get a little more "spark"....of course, others never get it and are happy to be eternal couch potatoes...and that's OK, too!:rolleyes:

  8. We never forget....and the pain is always there....but an empty house only makes it worse....and the joy of having new arrivals is the best healing in the world.


    I look forward to watching him as his personality reveals itself to you.


    And yes...you hit it on the head....they really do not know that they are dogs!! :rolleyes:

  9. Dustin won't go if the harness or the coat are on. He will pee...but that is IT!!!! So I walk him with it on and then when we get back to the yard (which is where he poops no matter how long of a walk we go on), I take any coats or harnesses off him. Let me tell you, when it's real cold, he's pretty quick to do the deed!:rolleyes:

  10. George has HUGE dew claws that stick out. Combined with his ever-so-cute pigeon toes, I can't believe he made it around the track so many times without tripping himself! :rotfl


    They may be large, but those pigeon toes are so adorable that I didn't even notice the dew claws because I was so smitten with the toes!



    By the way, JJ is the only one of our hounds who has had them removed.


    Danger chews his nails also. Not only his dews, but his front nails as well. Freak! :rofl :rofl :rofl



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