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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. thanks everyone! he has come out of his little funk over this past month he gets really excited when i wake up and when i come home (hes a mama's boy :P) which he never did before and i know he is healthy and all ive had him checked out hes just a laid back boy i guess! guess we will see over time!


    That's awesome....he's bonding with you...no better feeling in the world!

  2. Many of them have an extremely quiet nature...others are simply reserved for a few months....


    Don't mistake that for unhappiness. He may be unsure given that he is in a whole new world....but he will get through that. If he is not displaying any anxiety behavior, then it simply may be his personality - or that he is still adjusting.


    It is also easy to mistake those warm soulful expressions for sadness until you get to know them.


    If he is a bit unsure, don't worry. My Jack when I got him would not leave the kitchen for several nights....he was extremely unsure and scared....I slept on the floor with him for a few nights and he gradually came out of his shell....


    Our EZ has always been quiet and serious....my JJ and Dustin are both playful. Each hound is unique....but quiet and reserved is not the same as sad.....Just give him love and affection - and he will be a happy hound...quiet or otherwise!


    Good luck and keep us posted.



  3. Our EZ is a horrible eater....it is like creative cooking 101 with him. I feel your pain on this one!! Now that he's 11, we worry about it even more...he has always been svelt.....and I would prefer a little extra weight on him as he ages...but no luck. He will actually notice if I try to slip the tiniest extra bit of kibble into his daily amount.....Sometimes on a day when he is eating well, I'll heap the scoop a bit...and it's like he knows. I try to tell him that he doesn't have to watch his figure....but he doesn't seem to hear me! :lol


    He actually is my husband's hound...and Gerritt is the one around here who can cook, so I may have to print out fiverooers recipe for him!!!

  4. You it will make you feel better you can induce vomiting. A couple of tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide should do the trick!

    The 3% (yup it's in a brown bottle) is ok to use just make sure you don't use the kind one would use to lighten your hair!

    IF you do that, just be sure it's the dental grade peroxide...not the kind in the dark brown bottle....


    THat's good to know...I thought that it could only be the mild dental grade...


    Not sure this guy needs it, anyway, but I did have to induce once before for hair scrunchies that had been scoffed down!

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