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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Thank you Krissy, your post made me feel a lot better. I think the problem is that I tend to over think things way too much. I've just been feeling really guilty about leaving her alone so much, but I guess the truth is that most people work full-time and leave their dogs home. My next door neighbors are at work all day and their labrador just sits in the backyard, even when they are at home. I'm going to give her more time, because I know a lot of other people in my class that have dogs and make it work. Thanks again!


    With one of the jobs I had, my boy Jack spent long days alone.....I would be sure that every night we did something special when I got home. Sometimes I would put him in the car and go out for rides and on errands and stuff.....just to make sure that he felt special. Don't feel guilty about an 8 hour day. Many greyhounds and their parents here on GT have to go to work for a normal length work day. Yes, if she is particularly energetic, then you might want to find a mid-day walker....but don't let guilt for leaving her cloud your judgement on this.

  2. My two are polar opposites. I brought them into my life together....but they had only been housed in the same area for a few days...before I threw them in an SUV and drove them home 24 hours. JJ is boisterous, playful, talkative. Dustin is quiet and reserved. JJ steals all the toys and lets Dustin play with only what he doesn't want.....but on occassion, something strikes Dustin and he stands and barks at JJ who just looks at him like he's nuts.


    The difference in my case is that JJ actually really loves Dustin despite believing that everything in the house belongs to him first!


    I think it's just personaltiy.

  3. So sorry for your loss. Copper was a beautiful hound who was blessed to have found you and your family - as were you to have found him.


    Godspeed, Beautiful Boy.

  4. So glad to hear that Lexie's better this morning! :yay :yay


    I know how worrying it is when they arch their backs like that :( Merlin has IBD and when the stretching and arching starts I know that it's possibly a flare up :cry1 When it happens, it feels as though my own insides are all twisted up - I just get so worried that it makes me nauseous.


    Lexie :kiss2



    Yes...thank goodness she is better today! We have the same issue w/Dustin...and that stretch just sends me over the edge. With horses the situaiton is similar too....stretching can be indicative of a critical issue.

  5. We just adopted Perfect Built son of Lonesome Cry and Prairies Eagle. I found you guys by searching 'lonesome cry'. We couldn't be happier with him! This is our first post so i'm not sure if our photos will work (kinda complicated process...oopps looks like i have to sign up for another site to post pictures). Lots of great info on this forum.


    Once you figure out how to use Photobucket, be sure to put pictures and formally introduce your baby!!!

  6. Since she lost so many teeth, obviously they were in bad shape. Perhaps one of those few that are left is infected. I would get her checked. Hopefully just a tooth issue. Our old boy, EZ, has only half of his teeth left and he gets infections occasionally. I always know because of the smell.

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