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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Oh, she was just beautiful.


    Thinking of you at this difficult time....


    She shares a birthday with my bridge horse, Chip.....who was my partner for the last 25 of his 32 years.


    April 30th must be a very special day here on earth for such special souls to have joined us on that particular date.

  2. Praying for a miracle....


    But no matter what the outcome, the fact that when she saw you and responded and clearly wanted to go "home" is very special given the short time you have had her. Try to take some comfort in the fact that if she does live you, at least, though only for a short time, she has truly known the definition of home.....and love.....


    Again...continued prayers....

  3. Oh, My!!!! I am so sorry. How tragic and devistating!


    May Teddy run free. At least, though his life was far too short, it was filled with love.


    The loss of a young one rips your heart right out of your body......And yes....each day is a gift.

  4. My thoughts are with you.


    As someone who had a horrible post surgical situation with a hound, all I can say is watch her like a hawk. If she begins to get lathargic or "distant" get her to an evet immediately. Also, I know you are watching for pale gums, but also be on the lookout for areas where skin is exposed like ears and gums going the other way...i.e. too dark.

  5. Our EZ had soft poo until we went through a few different types of food. He is on the Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Fish.


    JJ's poo gets softer if he does two or three poos within a few hours.


    If Dustin's get soft, then we have trouble...that's a sign of bigger issues with him....but he as tummy troubles that will lead to bloody D, etc...so he eats only prescription food.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a lovely tribute to a hound who clearly was happy and knew how loved she was as evidenced by her smile in her pictures. I also must say that your last photo of her truly touched me. You gave her the gift of making the decision while she still was conmfortable enough to know joy as her smile in the sunshine is evident right up until the end.

  7. So sorry for your loss.....


    But how wonderful that he had the type of strong personality that will bring you smiles and joy as you remember his antics for years to come. It is that stregth and character that undoubtedly helped him survive his early experiences and thrive throughout his life.

  8. Your tribute was magnificent and paled only, I am sure, to Hurley's beauty, grace, and love.


    My thoughts are with you as you go through this difficult time and hope that you can find peace and comfort with all of the wonderful memories that your boy left with you.

  9. No advice...just good wishes.


    Did it start out looking like a scrape, or was it kind of "oozy"....I ask because sometimes tick bites manifest as crusty circles that get oozy and then when they dry, their is a circle of hair missing. It would be an odd spot for that, though.

  10. Sounds like the tumor EZ had removed back in 2008. He is now almost 12. They told me that the chance for spreading was minimal and same-site recurrance, moderate. It looks like he may have it coming back now after four years - but the area is growing much more slowly than it did last time. We could biopsy, but given his advanced age, a heart issue, and the rate or frowth that this has, we are simply leaving it alone unless there is a dramatic change.


    Best wishes for Sophie!

  11. Everyone else has said what needs to be said...but let me add, that all four that have come into our lives adapted differently and at different paces. My most "depressed" was Jack. I spent the first three nights sleeping on the kitchen floor because he refused to be anywhere in the house except the kitchen! And, I certainly could have slept in my bed and I know that he eventually would have made his way out. This is the opposite of EZ who walked in the house and virtually adapted immediately. Of course, at that point, EZ had my Beagle there - and my other two had each other when they came, so Jack was the only one who came to a dog-empty home.....he perked up when EZ and my husband were in town....


    The point of that long diatribe is that often, because they are so socialized with other dogs, hounds that are alone take a bit longer to relax and enjoy the new wonderful life that they have.


    Be patient and enjoy watching every minute of his progression.

  12. Run Free, Sweet Girl.


    To those who gave her love, I'm sorry for your loss. Though she never had a couch of her own, at least she knew what it was to be loved in her time here.



  13. Thanks everyone. I may slowly start him on fish oil. He has now started wetting on the carpet.



    Oh....while I certainly agree with all who have said to check with a vet....the wetting does make me wonder about stress.....

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