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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Just sending good wishes!!!


    FYI, my Dustin had boughts of occassional bloody diarreah....brought on with tummy gurgles, etc. He would get it every few months.....with no diet change, etc. He now is fully on the I/D diet. Just one of those hounds w/intestinal tract trouble.

  2. It's regular poo with a small amount of blood on the outside.


    With Dustin, when this happens, as I said, he is usually also having the problem with his glands. He tends to have very small poop piles - and extremely hard poop (unless his tummy is flip-flopping). As a result he strains - and sometimes has the secretion. I have him on one squirt of ecosiderm every day and it has helped.


    Of course, you would want to rule out the worm question! At one point we did do a precautionary round of panacur as sometimes the stool sample does not always give a positive when there is a presence.

  3. Hi All,


    Our 11 1/2 year old, EZ, has a nasty scrape on his back leg. It looks a bit like road rash, and when it first opened, it actually bled a good bit, leading me to believe it's more like skin gone than a scrape. I stopped the bleeding, and wrapped it w/ a bit of bacitracin and a gauze wrap. He left that on fine. I pulled it off two days later and while I wasn't looking he licked it and it started bleeding again. I wrapped it once again two days ago and pulled the wrap off tonight to get air on it. He is leaving it alone. It is about 1 inch long and 1/2 inch wide on his back leg where there is little skin. I would imagine they could probably stitch, though there is little extra skin there.


    The problem is that he heads back to NY with my husband for 10 days on Monday. He doesn't have a regular vet up there. His vet here is open on Sundays, but I hate to put him through that as he gets pretty stressed if all they are going to do is tell me to put something on it and wrap it.


    So, my question is this....my gut is that the bacitracin isn't helping it heal, just keeping it clean. What do any of you suggest to promote healing, if anything??? It currently looks very raw and if I dab it with a gauze, there is reddish liquid...so it is not actively bleeding, but it is "wet".

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