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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Our EZ gets diarreah from it....and Dustin has belly issues, so I'm not comfortable with it. I have been doing Revolution which does the fleas and the heartworm. It's a bit of a waste in the winter as I don't need the flea control, just the heartworm, but I don't think they have a topical heartworm only at this point. The downside is that I hate doing the flea chemicals all those extra months.....I worry about the long-term from those.

  2. Agree with a lot of what was said. Clearly sounds like a food change problem.....Some dogs just can't handle the foods that are supposed to be the "best" for them. One of my boys is on the prescription ID diet for a bad stomach. When I read the ingredients, I almost keeled over...it's all corn....everything they tell you not to give, but it keeps him from being sick, so the vet wants him on it. Not that your boy is at that point...just illustrating the fact that what should be good for them isn't always and sometimes the other stuff is OK.


    As far as amounts of food, our EZ who weighs in at the mid-seventies has always needed a full five cups of food....JJ is fine on just over three. My Jack ate about four or five cups, and Dustin eats four.

  3. Don't panic. Some of that pacing and walking around is just adjustment. My Jack spent the first few days in the kitchen because he refused to go anywhere else in the house. (needless to say - I slept on my kitchen floor for a few nights...)....


    Some greys are not playful....and are very content just to lay around all day.


    Best wishes with him!

  4. Oh...I am just sobbing.....


    But, through tears, I can't lose sight of the fact that this hounds is so blessed to have two people who have loved her dearly.


    GodSpeek Michael...may all our hounds that have gone before us be there to greet you.....


    And to Boo....your gift to your Dad of comfort at the end...is beyond anything that we humans can do.....May you have a long wonderful life with your new Mama.

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