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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Just the Flagyl......


    I am tempted to do the pepcid, too, to counteract the fasting..... He had his Sucralfate around 4:30 this morning....at least he held that down...and I think the flagyl would have had enough time to absorb, too.


    I will talk to her tomorrow about worms.....This long term decrease in appetite has me concerned....


    He is resting comfortably and has had two regular "drinks" of water over the past two hours....so I am holding off on evet for now. He is laying in a favorite spot looking out the window.

  2. Sorry for the length...but want to give all the background.


    Dustin has had either an IBD/Ulcer issue. We never did definitive diagnostics as the vet felt that treatment would be the same. He occassionally gets flare ups with bloody diarreah. Usually after first doze of Metrondiazol and Sucralfate he improves. Last flare up was about eight months ago.


    He is on an I/D diet and never goes more than eight hours between meals as he then gets those horrible gurgles.


    About a month ago, he started losing interest in I/D. I got brave and gave him something to entice him, and then he would eat - but grudginly...so I don't know if it was boredom, or a tummy that just wasn't feeling well.


    Friday he had horrible bloody diarreah.


    Put him on his meds.....other than continued lack of interest in food, he seemed to bounce back as usual....Poo got more normal by next morning.


    Yesterday, I fed him around 5:00 a.m. as usual. When I got home from the barn at 8:30 for his meal before I head to work, he went outside and was desperately wanting grass. I got him in, convinced him to eat a little and then went to work. Got home at 4:00 and he had vomited. Took him out and he had more blood. Got him to eat a little at 5:00 (because of fear of him having an empty tummy). Had to go out for two hours, came home, he had vomited. I had cooked chicken and added it to his meal to entice him and that came up w/the ID. (Caveat....gave some to kitty cat and he threw up the chicken, too...so I threw it out, maybe thinking the chicken was bad and got Dustin's system off kilter).


    He had a snack at nine oclock last night with some plain white turkey breast, and seemed to hold it down. He is still on his Flagyl and Sucralfate.


    This morning, soft poo, but no blood. Ate at 5:00 and 9:00. Held all down and I waited home with him until 10:30. Came home at 2:30 and he had vomited. All that is coming up is the food.... He had no interest in pooping...though I haven't pushed the issue by taking him for a walk.


    He has a regular physical scheduled for tomorrow....but called vet today. They can't fit him in today - and said that if I think he needs to be seen to take him to the evet.


    Questions are as follows:


    Anyone with an IBD or Ulcer dog ever experience vomiting with it? He never has had this as part of the issue.

    Given that he is not vomiting up any bile, just food, and not constantly, can he wait to see his vet tomorrow? He is drinking.


    My concern w/evet is they don't know his history - and I don't want to stress him any more than I have to with all sorts of test.


    He does not have tummy gurgles...which is unusual.


    If he had bloat....would he have other symptoms at this point? It just seems like it would be too coincidental for him to have had a flare up AND get bloat.


    Other question, one time my Jack ate a hair scrunchy. He started vomiting food up....and had diarreah.....not normal symtom of a blockage.. The only way we knew was that I saw him vomit it up and eat it back down (sorry for that image)....so we induced and all was fine. Dustin is not normally into anything, but who knows??


    At what point would you go to an evet?


    Vet's office recommends fasting him for 12 hours and see what happens.

  3. Just adding good thoughts and best wishes. I admire how you thought this through for your beautiful hound.


    By the way, I was reading along, feeling badly, but holding it together until I saw the picture of you and your boy at the vet. You had that look on your face that I believe we all have had when dealing with horrible news about our babies....and just as I looked at your face, my heart lept into my mouth because I knew the pain you were feeling.....


    I wish you all the best.....you have a beautiful hound....and the love amongst all of you is so evident.

  4. Kim....my heart is breaking for you. All of the questions and decisions are just crushing....but through all of it, trust your instincts. You know what's best for your hound as you know every bit about who he is better than anyone else......Veterinarian or otherwise.......


    And no matter what, your boy knows that there is no more love in the world than he has experienced in his life.....

  5. First, welcome, and congratulations. The other advice is tremendous..... But I just want to add that some of them take a bit of time to come around, and to just be patient. He will come looking for love as he gets more comfy. There have been others in the same position who have posted here and come back several weeks and months later to comment on how far their hound has come. Best wishes. Remember, these timid guys often end up being the most loving and sweet hounds in the end!

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