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Posts posted by mychip1

  1. Yes they are... I didn't know what to expect when I was looking for one to adopt. I had been around my aunt's Grey but still you never know.. Dillon has blessed my entire life... I never knew how lonely my house was until I got Dillon. Now if only he could learn to talk.. lol


    They have a gift for filling emptiness....even when you don't realize how empty it is......


    Best wishes with him....

  2. As for the cat question......when I brought JJ and Dustin in, they were directly in from racing....so no exposure to cats and JJ has a high prey drive. I have baby gates around the house - raised off the floor, so the cat can get away...to the basement to use his box and to the upstairs when I am not home..... If I am not at home, I muzzle, so that if the cat does walk around the first floor, he is safe from teeth!

  3. That love you feel now will turn into bliss when he comes out of his shell! Three weeks is nothing in the world of these dogs. He has no idea that this is his forever home....for all he knows, he will leave tomorrow - i.e. foster home...... I believe they often make an effort to be non-intrusive and out of the way until they realize that we belong to them....and the house belongs to them.....


    A first floor crate is worth a try....it can't hurt.....and you are doing the right thing by not forcing the issue with coming down to join you. Eventually his notion of "this is a safe place" will lead to some curiousity....and then all-out interest in you. He may not be a hound who ends up extremely playful or bouncy, but most all of them end up bonding in some way with various degrees of affection-seeking.

  4. He will adjust! Some of them take several months for their personality to blossom! Don't mistake his reserved attitude for sadness.....he is just adjusting.


    My Jack spent his first several nights in the kitchen - as if he had crated himself there. It took him a while to come out of that shell.


    Also, greys tend to just like to lie around on the bed....that's where they are their happiest.....


    Just be sure that when he comes to you for attention, that you are always ready, willing, and eager to lavish him with love.

  5. Nothing else to add that hasn't already been said. (((hugs)))) it's not an easy situation


    Me too...... Tough spot.....But if your dog isn't happy, then maybe returning him is fair......I know how heartbreaking that must be for you.....It is of concern if your husband has a bit of a temper....that will only drive the dog into being more fearful...particularly when you are away....


    If you do keep him, maybe you can have someone watch him for you while you are away that weekend rather than leave him with your husband.

  6. Kyle....I felt my heart sink when he yelped withg the shoulder. The only thing that kept me calm was that just prior, she said she thought she felt fluid.


    Now my challenge is dealing w/meds with his belly. Just from the methacarb (even with sucralfate), he had a growly tummy. Now I have to give Rimadyl...which is a horror on their bellies. I got his pepcid down him and he seems a bit better, so now I will try the rimadyl and tramadol.

  7. Update on Dustin...


    We went to the vet this morning. She saw the spot and says it looks like a small puncture, but did not believe that was causing the limp. She felt higher up his leg and felt a bit of fluid in his shoulder area. Then when they pushed on that shoulder a bit more, he yelped. That was the shoulder he had his distemper shot in last week....he never has had sore muscles from a shot, but she thinks that it may be a combination of the fact that he was nervous and resisting (and might have pulled something) and then getting a shot in that same area on top of it.


    However, because of the worry of Evil C, her husband (who was the one who ran the racing kennels where I got them - and who shows particular concern for them) seemed unsettled and wanted an x-ray. He said he didn't want to waste my money, though. I said that for the peace of mind, fifty bucks was worth it!


    So...GOOD NEWS....x-ray showed nothing in the bones....and she could see the fluid build up between the muscle and the bone. So tramadol, rimadyl, methacarb and, of course sucralfate for his delicate belly!


    Thanks to all for your concern....and advice.

  8. LOL!! Yes....mystery fangs!


    Kyle...I don't have locusts around, but we do have rose bushes that our neighbor grows right next to our fence! Sometimes they grow over a bit into the yard...in fact, JJ howled the other day (it doesn't take much for him) because he felt one scratch his head. I hadn't even given that a thought!!!! I could see where this could be a thorn.....I can almost see something dark in that tiny hole.....


    I talked to my vet and she wants to see him. I am bringing him first thing tomorrow.


    Given that the peroxide still bubbles, I know I have some bacteria hanging around there...and I don't want to go too long. He is in increasing discomfort.....though, with horses who have abscesses, that usually means it is moving to the surface. I'm hoping the same here.

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