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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Just making sure you saw that I sent you a pm
  2. Mikey has a beautiful farm coat Keeps him very warm in MN
  3. None of mine puke but now I clean the yard before they can eat it
  4. I was going to suggest maybe 5 socks to pad the foot just trying to brain storm for ideas don't suppose you want to smack dh up side the head?
  5. I think someone posted these are on sale right now too I'm sorry that I don't have any advice other than
  6. I'm guessing you don't have more vet wrap? Anything else you can use? Ace bandage?
  7. I think I got up 4-5 times last night to let them out potty yawn!
  8. I don't have kids but have had bites between hounds Some suggestions: muzzle him keep them separate (baby gate) don't let your kid crawl towards the pup keep the kid in a pack n play when the pup is in the room
  9. I wouldn't give up a hound EVER - would you give up your son? (sorry, don't mean to be harsh but my pups are my kids) There are always other solutions and I'm sure you will get many
  10. Promotes strong joints and bones* Helps dry up and heal hot spots and prevents new ones* Restores bloom in older dogs Promotes healthy joints in growing dogs* Helps give all dogs a luxurious coat and itch-free skin Enhances digestion/reduces stool size, cleanup Promotes a playful, upbeat attitude Provides raw food factors necessary for a dog’s optimal health Contains equivalent of 10,000 mg of cartilage (50 to 1 concentrate) per tablet Easy to feed chewables – highly palatable http://www.springtimeinc.com/product/88/2
  11. I just sent her a bottle today I have 2 more bottles so if they seem like they are working, I'll bring them to Sandy Paws Sparks has been on them for a few years but at his age, I don't think they are going to do much more good
  12. I'm lucky, my kitchen has a pocket door so I keep that shut when I'm not home Diamond can get it open if I leave it an inch open though
  13. Lucky's this way- no noise in the house yet growls when he chases Diamond
  14. This is what I was going to say and leave the line blank on the application
  15. Does she have access to water during the day?
  16. Thanks Heather As always, you are a wealth of knowledge
  17. Oh Mo How many Burpdogs do you have left? And is she eating them ok?
  18. Glad he's ok I yell at my mom all the time for leave her sudafed on the window sill above the sink. She doesn't think the dogs can get at it but the cat can and could knock it on the floor for the dogs.
  19. Here's the thing about Tramadol. it's a great pain reliever, I always have it on hand. But.... It is not an anti-inflammatory and if that's what is needed, all Tramadol will do is help the pain but not reduce the inflammation. Good point, thanks
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