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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I did dump the pool out last night. The prob is, my yard is mostly dirt so it will just keep getting dirty And she's not supposed to walk so I've been carrying her. As much as she likes being a princess, she doesn't really like being carried I let her eat in my bed this morning Thanks for praying for us the last few weeks I probably should have taken her to the vet when she first started limping but she would stop after a day or so Then we'd walk and she'd limp again for a day or two But after we walked on Sunday, she didn't stop limping and it was swollen I was hoping that it was just from digging since I was able to get some dirt out of the nail bed the other night
  2. <font size="2">My vet is off until Tuesday but I saw another one and they did an x-ray</font><br /><font size="2">Of course my over active brain is sure that it's cancer</font><br /><font size="2">The vet said it's </font><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">Osteomyelitis</font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">She has an infection in the bone just after her nail (front left foot, outer toe)</font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">I started her on antibiotics tonight, no walking, running, etc</font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">Soak it as much as possible</font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">Call my vet on Tuesday after he reviews the x-rays</font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"> </font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">Trying not to think of the "what if's"</font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"> </font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">Anyone had this happen to their hound?</font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"> </font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">Still trying not to freak</font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"> </font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">This is Passion's idea of soaking her toe</font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"><font size="2"><img src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs550.ash1/32119_397447412582_527687582_4650450_2520980_n.jpg" /><br /></font></font><br /><font face="verdana, arial, sans-serif"> </font>
  3. I'm sorry for your loss. Maggie had the best 2 months with you.
  4. Jen, I am so sorry Tears are streaming down my face so not fair!
  5. Beth and Pete What you both wrote is just beautiful I have tears streaming down my face My heart hurts for you both Sending you cyber hugs
  6. Passion won't eat bones but don't you dare try to take it or look at her while there's a bone in front of her
  7. I only "Adams," and we do it every Sat. I do like Frontline, though. Just don't need it with the Adams, at least here. Yeah, I only did the FL because we went to GIG, I had some left from last year. I won't use it again and just the Adam's Also, I'm sensitive to smell and that Adam's spray bothers me but only the first few days after spraying it but I didn't want to smell that on my 20 hour drive to GIG
  8. Linda- you can get Adam's spray at WalMart and it's pretty inexpensive I started using it last Fall- skipped the winter I just frontlined (only once in the spring) so need to wait 30 days and then I spray them with Adam's every Sunday
  9. Passion used to bite me in the ass while I was just getting ready to go down the stairs I think she was trying to kill me So I bought a house without stairs She hasn't done this in years though but it still makes me laugh
  10. Wonder


    I'm sorry for your loss He's adorable
  11. Thanks everyone I'm having a very tough time with this He was never old, never acted old so his going downhill happened so fast I wasn't ready, still am not I've been home only 2 nights and cry once I realize he's not coming to bed I swear I heard him meowing today when I was working in the garden I never realized how much this would hurt
  12. Yesterday took him out in the garden to roam a bit (he was not an outdoor cat) Watching the water Hanging out in the garden one last time today He used to always wait until I was done in the shower and then jump in. This was his last time in the shower yesterday Sparks watching over him last night Snuggling with Lucky last night He loved to lay in the grass- took him out one last time today He was my official "greyhound safe" cat and kept over 30 hounds in line over the years Sparks was scared to death of him at first. If Sparks even looked his direction, Mel would race across the room and smack him across the snout! Mikey wasn't 100% cat safe but Mel gave him a what for and he learned his lesson He was always so nosy Some times he had to sit on them to get them to behave The final picture I took of him today. His sister Sili is buried right there and he's now next to her I'm now catless for the first time in 17 years. I still can't believe it. I don't plan on getting another cat but am so grateful for the 2 wonderful cats that I did have for so many years. Thanks for looking at all my pic, sorry there's so many but he was my first fur kid Thank you Foley Blvd Animal Hospital for the wonderful care we got today. They really made it bearable. I already miss him like crazy
  13. Mel was my first cat. I was so excited to graduate from college, get my first apartment and my first pet He was such a cute kitty and put up with so much Big hair He used to paw at it Then he got fat In 1997 we moved to Alaska and he loved it He loved to hide And hang out with his sister, Sili He always had to check everything out He loved water- especially running water 2 years ago we moved to a new house. He HATED car rides He went crazy over pot roast Picture my brother took last November More coming....
  14. Sharing a few pictures from our visits Zema and Passion Zema said, enough of this sharing crap
  15. Oh Jey and Grammy- I'm just seeing this and I can't believe it, I'm in shock I am so sorry Please give Joesph and hug from us and Grammy too
  16. I get Passion's from http://www.drsfostersmith.com which has always been the cheapest since I can usually find online coupons and save $5 and free shipping
  17. Lucy, I am so sorry to see this. I actually said OH SH*T really loud (I'm at work) Sending you tons of hugs
  18. The 1 yr is the same as a 3 yr here I was very annoyed with the vet that Lucky had to use. We didn't get any paperwork from the previous owner therefore no shot records. The vet gave him the rabies but the paperwork said it's only for 1 yr. When I complained I was told because he didn't have proof that he had already had rabies, they will only issue the certificate for 1 yr. W T F - that makes no sense So now I have to get him another rabies which will be his 3rd shot in 3 yrs (he got rabies at the track while he raced) Very annoying
  19. I'm so sorry and can totally relate to the pain
  20. Poor baby has been through a lot
  21. I didn't read your other thread but did you figure out what is causing the anxiety?
  22. That reminds of the last time Diamond donated blood. He was so nervous that when they lifted him off the exam table, his anal glands expressed themselves
  23. Sparks ass is right next to me and the window is open so it's blowing right into my face You'd think I'd move
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