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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I still need to meet him some day and have him re-meet Diamond so he has a better impression of the boy dog
  2. Passion had one when I first got her Someone at the greyhound event that we were at squeeze it out like a pimple It never did come back though
  3. Mikey has been poop eating and the only way to not allow it is to leash walk him in the fenced backyard and cleaning it up right as he goes
  4. Mine are muzzled when I'm not home 1 is kenneled Nothing wrong with it and they are used to being kenneled Don't leave dishes out- I had the same problem. Sparks would take whatever was in the sink so I had to stop leaving anything in the sink. You can hook the muzzle through his collar so it can't come off. Leave a frozen kong out for him
  5. is greyhound stalking

  6. Wonder

    My Sweet Jazz

    Kim- I'm so sorry
  7. It works for me until I post Wendy- get to bed Want me to tuck you in????
  8. i did the hard fresh and it stopped working so i closed chrome and reopened it and now it works again and now it doesn't work again
  9. I have antiobiotics and pain meds on hand so I would have done the same thing Surprised they didn't put a drain in though- has there been much leakage?
  10. Mine are all going nuts for it now that it's frozen I hate cleaning off the muzzle So I scoop the yard twice a day They still find it hidden in the snow
  11. I used a 2cup scoop but always filled it to the top with the old kibble New kibble I was using a 1cup measuring cup so he was never getting that extra to the top I should see how much extra that other scoop gives
  12. I will check that- thanks Today I realized I was using a different scoop for the new food so he's really getting the same amount as the old food. duh!
  13. He's not chubby and won't be. My vet warned me not to allow him to gain weight or do stairs and well I bought him a house without stairs so don't need to worry about the weight gain This old man thing is hard to get used to. He never used to want attention and now he does all the time and he wants to sleep next to me most nights. He never would sleep in bed before even when I would make him
  14. He's the perfect weight according to the vet I haven't weighed him lately but he was about 75 No pictures-I'll have to take some Also, he will be 12 in March Today he only had 4 cups total but he's been whining and following me into the kitchen late at night so that's where the extra 2 cups have been happening He's been having more back end weakness but nothing that I've been concerned about (has mild LS) Also has mild LP and is still breathing raspy/coughing but not as much as he was when it was hot outside
  15. Since summer I've been worried about Sparks because he wouldn't eat as much as I thought he should I was feeding him 4 cups of kibble a day and he was eating about half (Kirkland Chicken/Rice) I tried everything to get him to eat New kibble- buy a bag and he'd eat about a cup and refuse more so I'd get a new bag Canned food added to kibble pasta rice hamburger- he loved chicken- he loved baby food Jack Mackrel I spent more on him than I did on myself and the rest of the pups combined and I'd do it again! Not complaining about that at all just that I couldn't get him to eat. The last few months he's been eating normally This week, he's been starving so I've been feeding him an extra 2 cups of kibble a day. He's now getting 6 cups of kibble a day (Iams) Seems like I worry that he wasn't eating and now I'm worried that he's finally eating! Nothing else is "off". He's running around the yard like a puppy. Vet check was just fine, blood work perfect. I'm a worry wart My mom thinks that because it's so flippin cold here that he's burning more calories trying to stay warm. He does wear jammies so he's not cold (just touched him).
  16. OMG- this was one of the very first threads that I posted here on GT about 6 years ago I think I was told just to keep an eye on him Maybe give him some bread to help coat things
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