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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I don't do dog parks, not worth the vet bills
  2. They also sometimes add a drain which it doesn't sound like they did for her. Just make sure she doesn't mess with it, maybe put a t-shirt on her. Good luck and hope she heals quickly. Don't let her run and leash potty her
  3. Wow, everyone I know throws the pill in with the kibble Interesting This is good to know as Passion is on .6 twice a day and she's only 53 lbs So she should be only getting .3 twice a day if I read the above correctly (or if not I'm too tired )
  4. Run free sweetie You will be missed
  5. and $200 is cheap The last skin tear that we had was almost $1500 Yes, always muzzled!
  6. Oh Mo, I just am now getting on GT and seeing this. I'm so sorry Bailey on the beach at Dewey You will be missed sweety
  7. Passion needs a dental and I expect it to be that much
  8. Greyhounds of Eastern Michigan. Good folks. http://www.gemgreyho...ore/medical.htm Yup, yup!! Super nice to order from and way fast shipping!! I love getting stuff from GEM!! I also say GEM
  9. I haven't stalked you in a while.

    How's work?

  10. I might have spoke too soon This morning the first poop was pretty runny But he did have a lot of treats last night so I'll have to cut back on those He didn't eat all his food just now either I am a worry wart
  11. I thought he had big d and maybe he did the first day or so but now I think that's just how he poops I let him out and he poops and it's firm, then he moves to another part of the yard and goes again, less firm He ends up going 5 times in various parts of the yard with each poop getting less firm Never had a foster do this before which is why I kinda panicked and now I feel silly Anyway, he's fine now and just needs to gain some post-racing weight
  12. Sorry Jen I wish I could help- I'll check with you after I return from Sandy Paws and if you still are over whelmed, I can come over and help or just keep you company and play with some pups
  13. Mine are blood donors so get examined by a vet with each donation therefore I don't do an annual exam. My pups are examined 3-4 times a year plus the blood bank does annual blood work so an extra annual exam is pointless. Sparks is 12 and too old to donate but he does go to the vet annually.
  14. Posting this now since I won't have any time tomorrow for GT Taking Thomas the foster to the vet for his dental, neuter, get his elbow looked at (some fluid is starting to build up), red eye and his explosive big d Keep him in your thoughts that everything goes smoothly I will post once I get him home tomorrow night Thank you and one last picture of the handsome man Now I am taking some nyquil and we are off to bed UPDATE: His neuter/dental went great and he's laying on a dog bed watching He ate dinner tonight- baked tator and some boiled hamburger I requested a round of metronidazole since his big d still hasn't cleared up His right eye is red- she said it's nothing to worry about and it will clear up They confirmed he does have hygroma on his right elbow like I thought There's a bump on the same elbow that concerned me. Turns out it's viral papilloma (wart) and my dogs can get it (the younger pups, Diamond/Lucky) and there's nothing to do for it unless they get it in their mouth, then antibiotics. More info on this http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_canine_viral_papillomas.html His dry, flaky skin should get better once he's on a good kibble diet after his round of metronidazole. This vet doesn't give pain meds after a neuter so I requested them and they started to say no but I insisted that it's just plain mean to not give pain meds! She gave me some so at least now I don't have to worry about him hurting the next few days. He's currently laying and watching everyone and still follows me when I leave the room. Everyone at the clinic loved him of course Thanks for keeping him in your thoughts today
  15. Wonder

    Wilbur ....

    oh man! So unfair! I'm sorry Wilbur- we tried to help you eat and I know your mom must be just heart broken right now
  16. OMG, I'm so sorry! I'm reading this with tears streaming down my face
  17. I updated my profile just for you :)

  18. you checking my profile?

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