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Everything posted by BatterseaBrindl

  1. So very sorry for your loss.
  2. As mentioned above, if you did research on any breed, you will find they all have 'something' that is a major health concern. We had Dobies for a number of years and they have serious heart issues. Their life expectancy is much shorter than Greyhounds. Ten is considered quite old for a Dobe. We had one die of heart failure at age 7. When we were reasearching Greyhounds, our vet told us they are the healthiest of the large breed dogs, with the least amount of gentic 'issues'.
  3. Non weight-bearing on limbs scares me. If it's been more than a day, I'd take her to the vet. And no meds...that will mask symptoms.
  4. Come on Dorie... Your family needs you to get well!!!
  5. Checking in and I'm so happy to see things are slowly improving!! Hope you get more sleep tonight.....
  6. So sorry... Hope she has a very peaceful passing, knowing how much she is loved.
  7. So sorry for your loss. Remember the good times....
  8. Nooooooo...Not Molly. Oh Linda. I am so, so sorry. Nancy, sending virtual hugs and scritches to Gary
  9. Glad to read a little more positive update today!
  10. In horses, Omeprazole is the only effective drug to use for gastic ulcers. I have a horse with ulcers and he has always done well on the Omeprazole. I have never had a dog with gastric issues ... thank goodness.
  11. Good news Dorie is home. I am not at all surprised at your comment on Omeprazole. I have a horse with gastric ulcers and the ONLY thing that helps is Omeprazole. All my Equine vets know this fact and it is the only thing they prescribe. In very large doses! Hope Dorie has a good day... Nancy
  12. We're thinking of all of you, sending hugs and hope Dorie feels well enough to come home to her loving family very soon. Nancy
  13. I'm heading off to work for the night now, and wanted to send Dorie strong, healing thoughts. Nancy
  14. I thought the OP was talking about hookworms, not Tapeworms.
  15. Once the stitches are out and the wound is holding, I have found that a toddler-sized sock is a perfect fit on a Greyhounds foot. They pull up pretty high on the leg, and then you can just tape around the top to keep it held up. Nixon ripped his hind toenail last winter and the grandkids socks did a wonderful job of keeping the foot clean and dry. He wore a sock for two ot three weeks with no ill effects.
  16. Awww... sorry. He was obviously so well-loved. Remember the good times...
  17. From the album: Nixon....Starz Sammie..33168 65B

    May 8th 2011...Nixon has been with us for a year!!
  18. From the album: Nixon....Starz Sammie..33168 65B

    May 8th 2011...Nixon has been with us for a year!!
  19. Nixon also survived the bloody toenail injury and lived to tell the tale. His did get infected and required 2 courses of antibiotics. Toddler socks work well on hound feet! That nail did grow back in ...and it is a different texture than the other nails.
  20. I am with the group who would not take her to the vet. I'd keep it clean and covered with non-stick pads for a few days. Neosporin if you really wanted to put something on it. I also like colloidal silver for wounds. My vet would not give oral antibiotics for something like that right away. We would wait for a few days to see how it's healing up. I'd probably not bother with pain meds either.
  21. This! Better a small piece of leather than nylon/plastic. Nixon chewed up one of my good leather barn gloves. I found it a few days later in the yard. Not sure which end it came out of..... That said...do keep an eye on her!
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