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Everything posted by BatterseaBrindl

  1. Yes. We have Whizcicles too. We also have those same sled dog booties and Sid has been wearing them on his school and oldies outings. The parking lots all have nasty sand/salt mixtures. We were at minus 32C (-26F) at 6:15 this morning when I took this on my way down to the barn
  2. Lots of We have the same up here. And it’s knot going to melt anytime soon with temps dropping significantly later next week. FYI…. Putting shavings or straw over the snow may give them a ‘soft’ place for now but it also acts as insulation and the snow under it will take a very long time to melt.
  3. And, like I said to AnniE… sure hope she got a whole lot of
  4. AnniE I sure hope that wherever you went you got a very generous supply of
  5. I'm in Ontario so can't help find you any groups for the Irish Greys or Galgos, but.... ... we have an Irish Greyhound who came to us 5 years ago, and also a Spanish Galgo who's been with us for 4 years in June. Sid the Irish fellow is pretty much like our 3 USA ex-racers in temperament. His build is thicker and his nose not quite as long and pointy and he was well-loved by his owner/handler/trainers. The Spanish Fellow is not anything like an ex-racer. He was a bit anxious...he had a lot of changes in a few months due to his injuries and moving homes 3 times. It didn't take him long to learn to chill out from our Greyhounds! Part of our fence is only 4' and the rest is 5' but our Galgo had some serious neck injuries plus a broken hock and was deemed 'non-jumping' by the finca in Spain (112 Carlota), otherwise they do all require a minimum 6' fence. Good luck in your search!
  6. Willa All but one of mine - Sid the Irish - have been decent sitters. And Kibo the Spaniard is a champion!
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