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Everything posted by Jenbo

  1. Some hounds have sensitive tummies (meaning they have lots of gas) so switching may not be the best thing. My gh is petite so once I got her weight up, she gets fed x 2 per day and 1 1/2 cups at each feeding. She also gets a few cucumbers during the day and a cookie or 3.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can tell he was loved, and that he loved you just as much. Godspeed, Anubis.
  3. Wabi So glad you were able to cuddle with her one more time
  4. I'm so sorry. Godspeed, Marx. Rest well.
  5. My group insisted I give up my first grey Raven because she was determined to eat my cat. I hated having to do that and had already fallen instantly in love (and cried and cried over it). I did return her and a week later was given my baby Myka, my heart dog. If it's not working, it's not working, and it's no reflection on you. Let your group help you find a home for this one and help another dog find a home with you. This way, everyone and every dog wins .
  6. Oh no, Greg, I am so sorry. I'd hoped you would have a little more time with sweet Bijou. Godspeed, sweet Bijou
  7. Oh Greg, I'm so sorry. It's never enough time is it?
  8. At least a week for her at the foster house with the kitties.
  9. Ahh, my girl was super shy and timid when she arrived and watching her personality blossom and her confidence grow has been such a rewarding experience in every way. There's nothing like it. Bring her home and show her what love means, you will never regret it.
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