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Everything posted by Jenbo

  1. I can actually feel your concern and conflict in your post, it brought tears to my eyes. Of course you want her healthy and happy, as much as she is able right now. I would be conflicted too. What does your vet recommend?
  2. Oh no, how scary. Yes do please take him in as soon as you can! Sending healing thoughts.
  3. Ohhh poor sweetie. I had a hard time getting weight on Myka when she first arrived so I started mixing in a little cottage cheese and it did the trick.
  4. Myka only liked her crate for a few days and that was it. No more. I moved everything she might destroy (books, remotes, shoes) and gated her in the living/dining room with the slider open to the back yard and she's very happy with that. Nothing destroyed and no accidents. Alone training will help. Who has the link?
  5. Jenbo

    Moto Hot Rod

    I'm so saddened to see his name here. I loved his stories and loved how much you and the rest of the family loved him. Godspeed, Hot Rod.
  6. OMYGAWSH! You're right near me, I'm up highway 29 at the very sound end of Napa. He's very handsome, congratulations. I'm available for a play date, just let me know.
  7. You're almost there, how exciting. Peggy is lovely.
  8. Myka had some marks like that and it really was just a bruise. I'd forgotten that she'd trying to jump over the back of the couch on to the couch cushions and she kind of hung over the back of the couch for a moment, with her front on the couch cushions, while she pulled her butt and back legs over -- which is when she bruised herself. Poor baby, scared herself real good thinking she was tall enough to jump over.
  9. I am so sorry. How terrible and awful and how wonderful for him that you were there with him in has last moments. Many hugs to you
  10. Oh Jilly, you will be missed by many and welcomed by all at the bridge. Run free sweet little boss girl
  11. Jenbo

    Zuki Visited Me

    I had a dream several weeks ago about one of the greys here on GT and I watched him cross. I let his mom know that I dreamt of him and how much he loved her. (turns out he did actually cross that night I dreamt of him). Then in my dream, I saw my houndie as a very old senior who curled up and very quietly passed away BUT as I watched her fade, she got smaller and younger until she was a tiny puppy. In that dream, I knew she was telling me that even when she left me physically, she would always be with me, even if in a different form. She then showed me one of my new houndies, and that would be a big white male with a few black spots. I would know him because he would recognize me, and run to me and place his head in my lap. It was SUCH a vivid dream. All of it.
  12. Jenbo

    Zuki Visited Me

    They never truly leave our hearts, do they?
  13. Here's the video, be sure to watch it ALL THE WAY to the end. http://www.youtube.com/user/iams
  14. I'm so very sorry for your loss of Truman.
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