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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. I'm going to have to look into the salmon skin bones.
  2. Sambuca


    I'm sorry for your loss.
  3. www.DehydratedLiverTreats.com They have dried chicken and duck feet and other goodies. It's all dried so not AS gross as raw. My boy has a sensitive belly and tolerates this stuff well. Also search for burpdog biscuits and rain dog treats here. They both make excellent homemade goodies. Bu gives all these places 4 paws up.
  4. I would NOT use the human formula. I've heard that even 1 piece of gum with xylital can do major damage.
  5. Just a lot of extra poop. Possibly some diarrhea.
  6. I don't have experience with dogs, but I'm on gabapentin. I know I was prescribed 900mg 3x a day. I now only take 600 1x a day. So you can go pretty high. As for side effects, the only one I've had is that when taken with my sleeping meds it helps me sleep a bit better. On it's own though I had no side effects. My father was on it to help with palliative care for fibrosarcoma. It was the only thing that helped, even morphine and other high power stuff weren'thelping him. It is really only good for nerve pain, if he isn't having nerve pain, I wouldn't bother giving it to him.
  7. If she's having trouble pooping it could just be because of her back end weakness. It's hard to squat if the back legs are weak. If that's the case, she's probably scooting because she isn't able to empty her anal sacks while pooping and she's trying to do it manually. Of course, that's just my guess. If you're worried about worms, can you just drop off a fecal sample at the vets before work tomorrow? They usually have a drop box.
  8. Sometime Bu gets scrapes that protrude, but don't bleed that can be a deep red. Could that be it? Without a picture, it's really hard to guess. Even if there is a picture, it's still hard to guess.
  9. Could it be a vein? Bu has a bunch that are 3-d.
  10. Yes, that sounds like it could be diabetes. It can also be a sign of cushings, esp if he's gaining weight. I'm glad he's getting checked out tomorrow.
  11. I love revolution. Before I got my hound, I had 2 cats and found 2 cats on the side of the road. The new cats had fleas. I was already using revolution on the 2 cats I already had and put it on the new 2 as well. I never saw another flea. My vet even said if I use revolution it will kill all the fleas in the house. It is a topical med like frontline.
  12. I don't know then. I would keep a really close eye on him and if he takes even a slight turn for the worse, I would rush him to the e-vet. Otherwise, I would take him to the vet in the morning.
  13. It usually is tied to eating, but it can also be from panting. Did he eat something he shouldn't have? How long before the diarrhea did he eat?
  14. I'm not an expert, but that sounds a bit like bloat. Is is stomach swollen and hard?
  15. Do you have any friends or neighbors that enjoy walks or runs? See if they would be willing to take Augie. If they run, they need to be educated on what to look for in heat exhaustion. If none of that is possible, maybe you can hire a dog walker to get some of his energy out. Even if its just a neighborhood teenager.
  16. Could they be pimples that got infected? Personally, if its draining, i'd sqeeze what I could out of it then clean the area really well and keep an eye on it then go from there.
  17. I would try to get your husband to take them for a good walk before he goes to work in the morning. Also, maybe muzzle them when you aren't directly supervising them. That way it will be a lot harder to chew things up. I hate to say this, but after 2 weeks, he probably has a lot more in store for you. It can easily take months to a year or 2 for their personality to truly come out. He sounds like he'll keep you on your toes.
  18. I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking of him and you as his journey continues.
  19. I would keep him on leash until he is comfortable there and even then, I wouldn't let him get too far from you. I'm a pet sitter and I bring Bu to work with me. I taught him the command "stay here". Which for us means, don't leave the room. This way I can always keep an eye on him. He doesn't generally mark in other houses, and I plan on keeping it that way.
  20. I know a couple that adopted a grey that was from a track that closed and she was starved while waiting to get out. She figured out how to open the fridge, freezer and pantry. They tried EVERYTHING. Finally as a last resort, they got the invisible fence in the kitchen and it solved the problem. The dog actually became less anxious because she couldn't get to the food and she was easier to live with.
  21. I am so glad he's doing better. It must be such a relief. I have to ask, what exactly is pemphigus foliaceus?
  22. There's no harm in trying a new food. I'm curious, why the tomato juice?
  23. The only problem I see with the diet you've been feeding is that it doesn't seem really balanced, but I am no expert. Iams is also not generally the best food, but if your dog is thriving on it, then you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm a HUGE fan of Taste of the Wild and all your dogs may do well on it. Otherwise if you do a search on here, you'll find a list of grades for pet food that is pretty informative. Good luck, and welcome!
  24. I have a black hound and have found ticks crawling on him, so I'd imagine it wouldn't be different for a brindle.
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