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Everything posted by Sambuca

  1. He is no longer skittish with me really. I officially adopted him in July, but he was my foster since January. I can usually grab his collar with no problems. He really does let me do whatever I want to him. He is totally back to himself and happy go lucky (as long as there are no strangers around ). Bu, my other grey, I've had for almost 3 years and he is still changing, so I understand that. I was just getting worried about what I would do in an emergency since he reacts so strongly to me. As for every other day, I can't get him away from me, not that I want to, but still.
  2. Short of a biopsy I'll do pretty much any test we haven't done already, so yes to the pancreatic tests. Bu can not have any chicken or lamb, so many foods are not viable options for him.
  3. Bu has tried the I/D food and it gave him worse diarrhea. I sometimes do partial raw and it has never affected the output. They did do tons of tests a couple years ago when he was worse but didn't find anything so if this test doesn't come up with anything, Bu and I will just have to deal with tons of poop forever.
  4. I don't like them for normal walks but I recently used one for my 2 on a hound hike and it was great.i also used 2 when I was walking 5 hounds so I only had to hold 3 leashes. Mainly I like them for walks that aren't about pottying.
  5. Bu is about 80lbsright now.you can see at least 4 to 5 ribs, almost his whole spine and his hip bones. 6 cups is a ton of food but any less and he loses weight. He was actually 85# last time he was weighed. Bu also has a sensitive belly,and it took 8 or 9 foods to find 1 where he doesnt have diarrhea. Im on my phone so I cant look things up easily, but if you look at my old threads you can see some history. so I can not and will not just cut his food unless we find a way where he wont lose weight if I do.
  6. He didn't mention a biopsy now but in 08 when Bu had diarrhea for a year my vet said the only thing left to do was biopsy and we both decided we didn't like that idea. And I won't go that far now either. There was almost a full shopping bag of poop. The whole vets office was shocked. He probably only poops 5xs a day but they are often double or triple baggers.
  7. So Bu has always been a big pooper. He's a legend around here and most of my friends and family are afraid to walk him because of the output. He had all sorts of tests done when I got him in October of '08. It took a year for the diarrhea to go away when I finally found TOTW. I've always told my vet that Bu poops a lot, we haven't done anything about it in over a year. Well a couple weeks ago Bu pooped in the house behind the front door every day or every other day for a week or 2. Since it was right behind the door I knew he wasn't feeling well. I thought he was getting into the other dogs food (he figured out how to open the storage container). Bu had an appointment for shots today so starting yesterday at 1pm I started stockpiling Bu's poop until 1pm today. I brought all the poop to the vet today and they were shocked. My vet walked in and asked if I was a comedian. When he realized it really was only 1 day of poop he said I need to bring Bu back on an empty stomach to test for a pancreatic thing. My vet doesn't think that's whats wrong because of the consistency (relatively solid), but in '08 he was tested for pretty much everything else and nothing came of it. My vet said all that was left was a biopsy and I wasn't and am still not going to go that route. He eats 6 cups of TOTW a day and I swear he poops out 8 cups a day. I've seen horses have smaller poops. Please think good thoughts for my poor boy who is always full of *&%^. It can't feel good to have that in him all the time.
  8. I'm a fan of the 6 month time period. Usually a month in either direction is fine, but with a female you don't want to push it off to long because they can go into heat. If they go into heat you need to wait at least 6 weeks until the spay at a responsible vet. Where did you get her from? Did you sign a contract? Often when you adopt a puppy there will be something in the contract about the spay. She is freakin adorable.
  9. Our group uses Iverheart on our foster dogs. As far as I know we have never had a problem with it.
  10. Bu would go into my parents basement and poop when I first got him. He rarely peed. I realized he had to much freedom to fast. I stopped letting him roam and would block off the basement if I couldn't watch him. I don't know how well a crate will work, but I would gate him into a smaller area like 1 or 2 rooms preferably ones he's used to hanging out in.
  11. My foster had to get sedated to get cortisone shots. We went to a specialist almost 2 hours away. Poor guy peed twice in the car on the way home. I'm glad Sage is doing ok and your vet is so affordable.
  12. My foster has tendonitis in both shoulders. He has been treated with 2 sets of cortisone shots. The first set did nothing for him. The second set seems to be working. hopefully he continues to improve. If not he gets surgery. The vet said she won't do more than 2 sets of shots on him. Your guy has a different diagnosis though. They sedated him for the shots and was awake in well under an hour. Sedation is safer than anesthesia thankfully. I hope yourpup feels better soon.
  13. If it's that deep it needs to be cleaned REALLY well. I'd bring her to the vet now. Something similar recently happened here. It wasn't that deep though. I went to the evet where they quoted me $600-$800 to stitch him up. I said no, but I did have them clean it well (I mainly went for the cleaning since the skin was bunched funny and I was worried about a foreign body.) I walked out after $200 and a cleaning and ABs. I went to my vet the next day and he stapled the wound for $88. Going the next day may not be an option for you, so ask the evet when they clean it. My evet actually suggested it to me.
  14. I actually started another thread on this called My Sweet Boy. I really don't know how how he got it but my guys guess is he walked into a bush.
  15. No. but I've been bitten by a lab 3 times, an australian shepherd, a great dane,a cocker spaniel, a lab pit mix, a jack russel mix,a lhaso apso,chessie and have had tons of goldens try to bite me. The dane, spaniel and pit bites were my fault, the others were dogs with major issues. I only needed medical care for the pit and lab bites. The aussie actually dragged the kid it was walking over to bite me. The lab was pure evil, it bit me on 3 occasions I was ignoring it. The jack didn't want me there so he ran down the stairs bit me and ran off. The lasso turned on me. The chessie got me while I was cleaning up a shredded paper. Turned resource aggressive over it over half way of me cleaning it. Dogs have teeth so they can bite.it's not a breed thing, it's an individual thing.
  16. It's funny, I really am not an overly emotional person. He just reads me so well it's scary. As for the calming techniques, I am known by a few other pet sitters in the area as being awesome with really timid dogs and dogs that have issues such as resource guarding and being territorial, so I really do know and use them regularly. I also love to take in fosters that are shy and or skittish. In fact Sailor didn't want me to touch him for days after he came here and would have a mild panic attack every time I put a collar or coat on him for months. And Bu my other guy didn't leave his crate for 2 months when I got him and I now call him a slut because he loves people so much. I just have never met a dog that reads me so well.
  17. I had tons of trouble fattening boy my up and he will probably always be a bit too thin. It took 8-9 cups of TOTW a day for him to gain any weight at all. He now maintains on 6 cups a day. How much are you feeding your girl?
  18. I tried to teach Bu with the hug and fold method. He tried to bite me. I think he had a hip injury before he came to me so sitting probably hurt. The trainer wanted me to continue to work on it. I told her no way if it hurts him. so just be careful. It's doable for many of these guys though. Bu is not st all well trained but he is very well behavedand I am totally ok with that.
  19. After the last wound I now prefer staples. He didn't need sedation and it was over real quick. I'm not sure in the face though.
  20. That's what I meant by stepping back and leveling myself. I do know know calming techniques, I'm a pet sitter and use them all the time. The real problem is that he reads me so well it's unlike any dog I've ever met. Is there any way to desensitize him to my emotions a bit? Especially my negative emotions?
  21. I posted a few weeks ago about disciplining Sailor my new boy that reads me to well. I ran into another problem with him a couple weeks ago. I was running a booth for CGA at an event and I was there for 30 hours over 3 days (Fri, Sat, sun). On Sunday I didn't bring Sailor because I thought 3 days was just too much for him esp since on Saturday I had seen some minor signs of stress. I came home after 11 and walked the pups. When we came in I went into the bathroom and Sailor followed me and I noticed a fresh hole quarter to half dollar sized in his side. I called to see if my friends had seen it when they walked everyone for me. They hadn't. After the long weekend, I was tired, cranky and a bit grumpy. Sailor who is usually always by my side would not come near me. He would back away if I came near him and seemed scared of me. I know that it was because I was grumpy and he could read me. I was devasted. Here he was in pain and because I was grumpy he was afraid of me. I took a few minutes to try and level myself. Once I did what I could I loaded him in the car and brought him to the evet where he was more skittish than normal. I know he must have been in some pain, but not enough to be terrified of me. The other dogs didn't seem to notice I was in bad mood. (I was a little short, but I am never physical towards him besides gently grabbing his collar and moving him, so he shouldn't be fearing physical discipline even when I am cranky.) As much I would like to say I can avoid having grumpy moods, it's not reality. What do I do about Sailor? Is there anything to do? I love him so much and he is an awesome dog, but I feel horrible that my crankiness scares him.
  22. I would try feeding them before they (and you) do anything else. Especially since they can use the doggy door even while you shower. Many people feed once a day and do well with it. If I'm in a rush in the morning I'll often give them a small meal that will tide them over, but not enought that they are going to explode before I get home.
  23. Im a pet sitter and watch dogs in their own homes. I wouldnt be surprised if a lot of dogs lost weight while i watch them and id imagine a kennel would be worse. They miss their owners and are a bit stressed in their own environment. Ive worked at kennels and dogs are definitely more streesed there than at home. I doesnt concern or bother me if the dogs miss a few meals (i put food out but they dont want to eat). Ill add on extra treats throughout the day so they get something in them otherwise i just keep an eye on them and watch for any issues. Also pooping extra can be stress related so i wouldnt worry unless the issues last more than a day or 2.
  24. She could be having a reaction. Try washing off whatever is left on her. If she doesn't get better in a day or 2 bring her to the vet. If she gets worse before then, bring her to the vet. Frontline is chemicals and we and dogs can react to chemicals. My boy had a huge scab between his shoulder blades when I got him and we think it was from a frontline reaction, so I never use frontline. There are other options out there. Revolution combined with a Preventic collar is what I use. Once I run out of Revolution I'm just going to use Hartguard Plus with a Preventic collar. This was decided by my vet and I since my guys have a higher exposure to intestinal parasites because of fostering.
  25. Thanks for all the replies. Sorry this took so long, it's been crazy around here. I don't give in when Sailor kicks me and he doesn't just kick me. He kicks the floor, the garbage can, the crate, his dish, anything else he can reach then me. I wait until he settles and lies down before I feed him so I don't give in to him. I guess we are going to have to start obedience soon. I was going to wait a bit since I did classes to soon with my other boy and it was a waste of money. I have also run into another problem with Sailor reading me to well. Last weekend was crazy for me and Sunday I got hom after 11 and I was really tired and grumpy. After I walked the dogs I found a fresh hole is Sailors side. Well the poor guy could read my mood and although he is usually right next to me looking for love, he seemed afraid to come near me. I was almost in tears because I'm sure he was in pain and now almost afraid of me. I tried to focus to and get myself in a better mood and finally got him loaded up and brought him to the evet. What was I supposed to do? Grumpy moods happen and I HATE that he seemed afraid of me.
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