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Everything posted by JenniferS

  1. There is no such thing as 100% recall in any dog. I could train until the cows come home, I'm still not letting a greyhound off-leash. They are different than other breeds.
  2. What kind of food is he on? Only having him for 6 months, it may be that you have not found the right food for him yet. There are some limited ingredient diets out there that can help.
  3. I love your collars & decals too and have tried to contact you. Hope all is well!
  4. Wylie will sometimes do this when Razz is nesting. I think he thinks she's just being a pain in the neck though, and disturbing his rest!
  5. I went to a different vet for hulling of my Quiet Man's corn. They were very familiar with greyhounds & corns, and he did not need any sedation at all. They were to far to be my regular vet, but worth it for the hulling. I would not put a dog under anesthesia every two weeks!
  6. Razzy loves to sit outside on the deck and hunt. We have an inflatable bed out there and in decent weather, she will sit out there for hours.
  7. Our Razzy has been driving us a little nuts at night ever since the weather got cold & it is dark early. She spends her summer evenings sitting out the deck "hunting" for hours. We do give rawhides, but only let them chew them for a short time until they start breaking pieces off. She plays with stuffies for a little while, but gets bored quickly. I have tried other chew toys, but they don't always last or don't keep her interest. She gets plenty of exercise daily, I think she's just bored. Does anyone give their grey "puzzle toys" which occupy the brain a bit longer, and if so, which types do you recommend? The high-pitched princess barking it driving us to drink!
  8. Good idea! They are a greyt kennel and Diane does greyt work!
  9. Some dogs will just never be cuddly. I had Quiet Man for 7 years and could never trust sleeping with him at all. He slept in his dog bed, and in the morning we had special time where i would lie on the floor & pet his chest for a few minutes before we got up to start our day. Some dogs are just space aggressive, some are sleep aggressive, and some have no aggression. Out of 5 greyhounds, I have only had one that I would trust completely to sleep with me without growling. My advice, is to keep her off the be for now. Better to be safe than sorry.
  10. Thanks, I will not use Proin. I did with Quiet Man and I do not like the side effects or potential problems it can cause.
  11. Hi, Wylie just turned 10 and has been having intermittent leaking while he's laying down (awake or asleep, day or night). He's always had a few drips here & there, and licks there occasionally, but lately we'll find much bigger spots, leaking through to the couch or the bed. I tried a belly band, but it happens so intermittently/randomly, that the band has stayed dry. I also started giving him cranberry pills. Just wondering if there's anything else I can do before vet visit. Thanks!
  12. I too was going to mention bloat. We used to feed my German Shepherd one HUGE meal a day (He was over 100 lbs.), and never paid any attention to whether or not he exercised immediately before or after eating. He died at age 7 from bloat. It the time, I had never even heard of it. I've read much more about it since, and although there is no real prevention or cause documented, I feel as though his one huge meal attributed to it. If you have no other pets, you may want to try free-feeding her kibble. When my Murphy got older, he did not want to eat all at once. We left his food out, and sometimes he'd get up for a nibble at 2 a.m.
  13. It also depends on the food type and their exercise. My two get a 20 - 30 min walk each day. My 82 lb. boy gets 4.5 cups a day, and my 62 lb. female gets 4 cups a day. Plus milkbones a few times a day, Their food is Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream. Their weight is ideal for both of them.
  14. You should also check out Trail Bound Hounds. They are a waking group in SE Mass that has mostly greyhounds, but other breeds as well, and totally understand having new dogs that need to be socialized on their walks. http://www.trailboundhounds.org/
  15. Our Ducky had IBD and was on the z/d and I think d/d venison for a while. He also did well on the Natural Balance Venison formula. Good luck! It is an awful disease.
  16. Crating in the car would be fine and safe (tethered), and not like crating him in the house alone. I don't think it would be a problem at all. I use seat belts on mine, and they attach to the front of their harness. They have room to stand up, lie down and turn around. Would this be an option for hm?
  17. Wylie fell on the ice to a few weeks ago and had a similar cut. I took him to the vet because he was also limping. We did treat him with antibiotics as a precaution, but he got no stitches and I have left it uncovered and he has pretty much left it alone. The scab came off recently and it looks raw again, but as long as he is not bothering it, I am leaving it open.
  18. My two do the same thing. I try to walk them out by their tag collars, but even then, when I let them go they take off like crazy. We've also been trying to train the "wait" command which is much easier when they are on leash. Good luck!
  19. Raspberry is also 4 and loves to chew plastic! She is crated when we're gone, but we have been slowly leaving her out of the crate (we've had her over a year and a half). She seems to do it more when we are home! Pens she loves! And getting the plastic squeaky out of toys, and all kinds of other things. Even though plastic is her favorite, she does also chew wooden furniture, books, cords and other things. Again, this is almost always when we are home, so I think it is for attention. (She has a gazillion toys!). One thing we have found recently is the stuffie toys that you can fill with an empty plastic bottle. We let her play with it until she gets the bottle out, and even a little bit after, taking it away when she starts puling off large plastic pieces. She's our little brat but we love her. Good luck!
  20. Raspberry killed and ate a rabbit whole. In one bite. No ill effects whatsoever. I was horrified, but she actually just got a really good meal.
  21. I agree that the crates may not be needed for too long, but because of the cats, you may want to keep them crated until you are totally comfortable. I've had three greyhounds that were never crated, one that was crated for about two weeks but really never needed to be, and one that has been crated still for over a year and a half; It totally depends on the dog. I put several layers of blankets & a comforter along with a water proof sheet topper in my girl's crate, and a hanging water dish, although she never drinks out of it. Good luck, and you will do fine!
  22. I agree, meet outside, on leash in a controlled, neutral environment. I would also feed them separately and monitor feeding/playtime, etc. Make sure there are enough beds or places for them to lay down away from each other. If need be, separate them while you are not at home. Even though my two get along very well, I still separate with baby gates when I'm not home because my male gets growly with my female when she tries to lay too close to him.
  23. Barbara, Coyote was such a special boy and so lucky to end up with the best greyhound family. He will be missed very much. Run free sweetie.
  24. I'm sorry, but not all dogs get along with other breeds. Maybe they should, but they don't. My Quiet Man was not "other breed safe" and I had him for 7 years; through trainers, behaviorists, and a slew of other methods, he was and would always be only good with other greyhounds. That was who he was.
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