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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. So very sorry........make every special day count......
  2. He'll feel much more comfortable now.....sending well wishes for Lenny
  3. Deepest Sympathy for the loss of your Buddy.....
  4. Getting a little concerned now.........Any news today? Sending continued well wishes for Outlaw.
  5. Cranberry juice in his drinking water can't hurt, meanwhile until his wee sample is tested.....I use it for ours occasionally. If there's any heat in the lump it would suggest inflamation there. Hope the little guy feels better soon.
  6. chamomile and tee tree are also good for the skin.....hope Dazzle heals quickly
  7. Hoping it's just a callous but your right to get it checked out. I would if he were mine............please keep us posted.
  8. Hoping Cavoc heals quickly with no complications.....don't feel bad once he's through the recovery process he'll be right as rain in no time.... Better to go through this short term discomfort than have pain in his head and ears for his whole life span.
  9. Just reading this now........Glad he's okay now though. GT'ers have an amazing wealth of information and are jolly nice people too This was my first initial thought too. The only way to tell if it IS low potassium, is blood work. Low potassium causes muscle cramps in humans, big time. If he will eat the banana, might not hurt! :-)) Mine eats banana couldn't believe it when she begged for a piece.......eats strawberry too!!!! Mad hound
  10. Fingers crossed everything goes well at the vets
  11. What a little fighter......that last picture did it Beautiful tribute to your special little girl.
  12. So sorry for you and your friends sadness....
  13. just seeing her picture has made my eyes fill up.......so sorry she had to leave you
  14. Oh no!!!! Flashman gone. Our heart is heavy for you.........so sorry
  15. Prior to the episode on that same day Outlaw was pacing........had he moved about done more exercise than normal? Could have been that.... or gas maybe? Hoping no news is good news today........thinking of you all
  16. That's made my day now May you have many many special days together
  17. crazygang


    In rememberence of Dempsey.......it was special what you shared together
  18. Just looking at MoMo's pictures again......my gosh she's stunning!
  19. Thanks for the tidbit Holly......I'm smiling while typing. What a trooper he is......
  20. We all know that you more than anyone have Cosmo's best interests at heart........please don't feel you have to explain It's difficult to let them go but as long as she is happy to stay enjoy each day as it comes. God bless
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