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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. A beautiful tribute to your special girl...... Run Free Callie
  2. You and Tarmac are in our thoughts.....
  3. Sorry you and your pup are having to go through this.....
  4. Thanks everyone for your advice. If it is indeed viral papillomas I'm concerened, just having googled it and read that it's contagious and any non infected animals should be seperated. A tad difficult in kennels as they are doubled-up and if the isolation kennel is in use would quite worrying.......and as her appointment isn't until Monday I'll mention this to the 'Kennel Manager'. Will keep you posted......thanks again.
  5. It's scary that we put our trust in people you might think know better with our loved ones pets and animals........ To learn by our mistakes is human.......but sometimes this is costly.... Thank goodness Aim is ok.
  6. Tracey I'm so glad that Cosmo is enjoying this time and making the most of it. I don't know that I can put this into words very well, but I'll try. I worked for a hospice many years ago. It is brutally hard to know that the end of the story is going to be a sad one. However, I came to recognize that there is a holiness that surrounds those who walk the path toward death with someone else, especially those who walk it with someone they love. There is joy and humor and tears and blessing and strength and grace for you along that path. There is a freedom in knowing that you've fought the good fight and that the ultimate end is now completely out of your control. Living fully in the time available is the task at hand now. While you would wish for a different ending with every fiber of your being, there is a sense of satisfaction and almost pride waiting for those who can walk that path to the end with the one they love. --Lucy Lucy, you said a mouthful there. Made me cry. How true! I lost a husband to cancer. Only had four weeks, and three days with him, after they finally diagnosed him, but at least he was home with Energy and I, thanks to Hospice. Yes, everyday, when you know the outcome, is precious. Bob will be gone seven years, Sept. 15th. Energy, five years ago, this past July. Everyday with Cosmo is a new day for sure! I sobbed my heart out with sadness for the loss of your loved ones........and the sadness to come.... Nobody knows how long they have here on this earth. Live for the moment, just like every day is the last and fill it full of positive experiences with joy and laughter.
  7. This kennel dog came into us at the beginning of August and she did not have this lump then that I am quite sure of. One month on there it is..........I noticed it today whilst grooming her and queried about it to one of the volunteers who said our groups regular vet said it's nothing to be worried about!!!!!! To be honest I'm shocked and surprised. I was horrified when I saw it. I reported it to the 'Kennel Manager' and she is now booked at the vets for Monday morning for a second opinion. Any ideas what it might be? Thanks in advance..... ****UPDATE 21 - SEPT - 2009 ****** The results are back it is just a wart And even better news she went to her new forever home today along with her kennel mate.
  8. Such a shame........rest in peace little Pudgy
  9. Beautiful photographs......so very sorry for your loss
  10. You both fought so very hard for him to live longer.........sadly our time with them is never long enough. Stuart and I are deeply sorry to hear this Holly. His body was just too tired, but his spirit didn't want to leave you. What a loyal hound he was...... Wish there were something we could say or do to ease the pain of your loss... Rest in peace sweet special boy - Outlaw.
  11. Hoping Conner improves........sending healing prayers
  12. Hope she gets her appetite back soon.....the poor darling
  13. Sending good vibes for you and Timber. Enjoy whatever time you have with lots of fun filled days.....
  14. So sorry you lost your precious Samantha very suddenly......it seems your vet is genuinely very caring and sympathetic
  15. Shame you're both going through this painful situation for so long........sending well wishes from across the pond
  16. Feel better soon Conner.... edited: Typo error
  17. My thoughts exactly and a squirt bottle on your waistband, ready to be quickdraw Mcgraw should they try to get in the x-pen. Good luck. Extremely good advice exactly what I'd do in the same situation. Hope Outlaw continues to improve and you can manage the dominance issues with no problems giving him some space and protection. Poor fella as if he hasn't got enough to contend with..give him a gentle hug from us...and don't forget to look after YOU too!
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